GE Enrolment | Dear____ | 2nd Semester, 2020-21 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2021-01-15 17:14:48 |
The theme of GE Programmes this semester is “Dear _____“. We hope to explore the relationships with our homes, with our loved ones, and with ourselves, especially in the world seriously disrupted by the pandemic. We continue to offer GE programmes on a wide spectrum for students with dif... |
港大--龍應台文化迴廊:女朋友 ──《天長地久》讀書會 My Very Special Girlfriend - Book Talk on 'Forever and Ever' | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-11-06 09:34:38 |
十九封「未讀不回」的綿長家書,三十五則戰爭離亂的吉光片羽,《天長地久》說了甚麼? 歡迎帶書進場。會後可簽名。 With 19 letters to her 93-year-old mother who no longer recognises the daughter and 35 snapshots of world history of the 20th century, what... |
《過渡:壹日》WMA學校巡迴放映 - A Day in Transition: WMA Film Screening Tour @HKU | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-10-26 15:34:54 |
《過渡:壹日》是一個集體創作的紀錄計劃,透過認識和關心香港的人,去述說有關這個城市的故事。 A Day in Transition is a co-created documentary film project which tells the stories of Hong Kong through the eyes of people who know and care about the city. |
GE Gallery Art Curator‘s Exhibition - Flowers of the Sun | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-10-26 15:32:37 |
It is about the cycle of life —— a seed planted grows into a plant and eventually blossoms, creating a seed of its own. It embodies a Jungian reading reflective of the psychological process of Individuation through which the different parts of the psyche are integrated. Reflective of the creativ... |
中國傳統戲曲──河北梆子 Traditional Chinese Opera - Hebei Bangzi | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-10-25 17:12:34 |
河北梆子是中國北方戲曲的重要代表,於清光緒初年進入興盛時期。河北梆子在劇種方面不僅擅長於表現歷史題材,而且能很好地反映現實生活。在戲曲藝術上,無論是音樂、表演及舞台美術方面,都有極大的變化和明顯的提高... |
大學問:林奕華《寄時光 語成長》 Traditional Chinese Opera - Hebei Bangzi | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-10-25 17:07:14 |
林奕華十多歲已投身創作,由在某電視台「穿文字膠花」,到與啟發自己的榮念曾先生一同成立「進念‧二十面體」,再到成立自己的「非常林奕華」,看似順暢的創作之路,卻是毫無計劃,單純地跟隨每一下的步伐走過來。面... |
港大--龍應台文化迴廊:女朋友 ──《天長地久》讀書會 My Very Special Girlfriend - Book Talk on 'Forever and Ever' | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-10-05 15:35:18 |
十九封「未讀不回」的綿長家書,三十五則戰爭離亂的吉光片羽,《天長地久》說了甚麼? 歡迎帶書進場。會後可簽名。 With 19 letters to her 93-year-old mother who no longer recognises the daughter and 35 snapshots of world history of the 20th century, what... |
In the Search of ____ 橙仔的角落 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-09-24 12:31:02 |
我們早已開始探索外面的宇宙,卻愈來愈少去理會身邊的各個小宇宙。 所以就至少在當晚,讓我們待在同一個宇宙吧,由我帶頭分享我的世界。 We've long been exploring the universe, yet we almost forgot to explore those around us, inside us, within us... |
No One Turned Away: Hong Kong's Handling of the Vietnamese Boat People Crisis 1975 - 2000 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-09-24 12:25:43 |
Carina Hoang, who herself was a Vietnamese boat person will give a comprehensive historical account of the crisis in Hong Kong, and identify lessons that can be learnt from the manner in which the Hong Kong Government handled the 25-year long ordeal. 本身是越南船民的Carina Hoang,為香港... |
自強不息逆轉勝 Perseverance for a Turn-the-tables Victory | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-09-24 12:19:49 |
享受過程,才會做得好;輸,也是一個學習過程,跟勁敵對戰,可一邊向他們學習,一邊進步。漸漸,人就會學懂享受挑戰、放開贏輸,不再被挫敗和情緒打倒。保持正面的心態,只跟自己作比較,不斷追求進步,從此你就能愈... |
展覽:一半是詩人,一半是旅人 Movie x Poem: Half Traveller, Half Poet | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-09-24 12:14:41 |
在此次展覽中,Iris為Aubrey的詩作配上影像,在文字與圖像之間展開一場耐人尋味的對話。此次展覽紀錄了兩人持續進行的跨媒介對話,也揭示出"合作",作為一種創作方式的獨特潛能。同時,通過展覽的形式,兩人的對話也邀請... |
GE Programmes Enrolment | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-09-06 12:17:24 |
GE programmes cover a wide range of talks, workshops, outings, as well as student-curated activities. Programme details: |
GE Programmes are OUT now! | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-09-05 18:21:25 |
GE programmes cover a wide range of talks, workshops, outings, as well as student-curated activities |
Dare to Dream, Ask, Grow, Create & Play -GE Programmes | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-09-04 11:50:49 |
GE programmes cover a wide range of talks, workshops, outings, as well as student-curated activities. Programme details: |
大學問 Hall of Wisdom | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-08-31 11:37:48 |
通識與香港電台電視部自2016年起合作推出一系列《大學問》講座,深受同學及觀眾歡迎,於電視播放的《大學問》精華版在電視節目欣賞指數調查中名列頭十位。這個學期我們再接再厲,邀請不同領域獨當一面的人物,雲集大... |
F:A:C:E: Mentorship Programme | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-08-31 11:21:40 |
透過師友會,你可以認識來自文化藝術界的導師、志同道合的同學,互相交流啟發。而那些看似不知所措的日子,可能會帶領你看到不同的風景,讓你的人生旅途從此變得不一樣。 We may feel lost at different stages of life. However, arts an... |
大學問:梁卓偉《大醫.人生》 Hall of Wisdom: Life as a Healer by Gabriel Leung | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-08-31 11:19:17 |
梁卓偉以40歲之齡成為香港大學醫學院第40任院長,是醫學院成立以來第二年輕的院長。他當過政治任命官員,做過公共衞生醫學的大型研究。透過梁卓偉分享心路歷程以及與新一代對話,讓我們前瞻香港醫學和社會的前景,為... |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the First Semester, 2018 - 2019 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-08-28 13:30:45 |
'Dare to Dream, Ask, Grow, Create, and Play' are so important in university life that our programmes will be geared towards encouraging and developing these essential areas of growth. This semester's GE programmes cover a broad range of lectures, workshops, outings, as well as student-cu... |
F:A:C:E: Mentorship x Theatre - Performance 劇場師友會 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-04-09 16:27:11 |
三組來自不同背景的學生共同創作了三個短篇表演。他們與導師一起體驗劇場的魔力,經歷創作路上的起起伏伏,從零開始,終孕育出一個屬於他們的作品。透過置身這場實驗劇場,在細看別人故事的同時,也許是自己內心的一... |
Screening and Discussion on Inhabit - A Permaculture Perspective | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-03-28 14:47:02 |
The documentary explores the tools for and promise of meeting human needs while also caring for and regenerating ecosystem health. It is an exploration into the idea of conscience inhabitance through permaculture. "Inhabit" provides an intimate look at permaculture peoples and practices in North eas... |
中國城鎮化大躍進 China's Urban Leap Forward | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-03-12 12:53:42 |
中國正進行不可逆轉的城鎮化實驗,城市群政策將為中國空間帶來翻天覆地的轉變。這短短40年間,大量人口帶着城市夢離開農村湧進城市。 China is a laboratory for urban planning on a massive scale, with its ongoing urbanisation combining mega-cities i... |
我們還應到北韓旅行嗎? Should we still travel to North Korea? | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-03-09 12:42:53 |
本節講座邀請熟悉兩韓事務的香港中文大學社會科學院全球研究課程助理講師鍾樂偉先生,及舉辦北韓遊學團Eastern Vision的兩位創辦人陳成軍先生和張振華先生,與大家分享他們對北韓旅行的看法。 We have invited Steve Chung, a Korea ex... |
Happy Thursday - Tea from Around the World (First Session - Indian Tea) | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-03-09 12:34:51 |
International student hosts are invited to share their favourite tea and snacks from their hometowns and to tell stories of their cultures. GE has been curating this cultural exchange programme since the first semester, and student hosts from Denmark, Morocco, Italy, Russia, and Switzerland have sha... |
從死看生 Searching for the Essence of Life from Death | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-03-09 12:29:51 |
無常隨時存在,隨時發生在每一個人身上。無論是面對自己或家人朋友的死亡,除了悲傷、R.I.P,我們還可以做甚麼?臨終、哀傷輔導和喪禮的意義又是甚麼? 兩位來自不同業界的專業人士將分享他們見盡生死的經歷和得着。 Li... |
Cashless Society - Are We Ready? | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-03-09 12:22:51 |
Do you think cash will disappear one day? Or is it just a matter of time? The rapid development of cashless payment systems has changed people's daily lives, especially in Mainland China. It is easy to see the different payment options across the border; some applications are just landing here too. ... |
The Chocolate Case: Documentary Screening | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-03-09 12:17:04 |
Behind the chocolate bar, is it another form of, "the banality of evil" that shows the flagging corporate and personal social responsibility? How can we evaluate the sustainability of entrepreneurship? We are expecting you to contribute your thoughts to make it an unforgettable "chocolate screening"... |
我愛世界愛地球,所以我(不)去旅行? I (don't) go travelling because I love this world? | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-03-09 12:09:18 |
究竟旅遊和保育可否共存,而我們又應以甚麼心態參與旅行?本節講座邀請首位華裔極地探險導賞員張偉賢先生,及熟悉保育議題的旅遊節目主持人梁彥宗先生,與你共談旅行和保育之間的掙扎。 Can travel and conservation coexist? And ... |
[GE Talk] Cultural Leadership in Performing Arts: In Dialogue with Alison M. Friedman | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-02-23 12:27:41 |
Prior to joining the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority as Artistic Director, Ms. Alison M. Friedman founded the cultural exchange organisation Ping Pong Productions (PPP) in 2010 after studying as a Fulbright scholar at the Department of History in Peking University and the Beijing Dance Acad... |
美國:反戰、學運、民權50週年 US: 50th Anniversary of Anti-war, Student, and Civil Rights Movements | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-02-23 11:30:06 |
1960年代的美國社會波瀾壯闊,反戰、女權、性解放、黑人民權、學生運動等匯成洶湧澎湃的激進洪流,勢不可擋。50年後怎麼看那激情歲月? 本沙龍是「港大──龍應台文化迴廊」的第一場。 1968 was one of the most consequential and tum... |
香港-內地:更緊密還是更緊張? Hong Kong-Mainland: Relations or Tensions | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-02-23 11:20:29 |
香港成為特別行政區20年以來,與中國的關係是愈走愈近,抑或矛盾日益加深? 這夜我們聚首於此,聽聽兩名講者的觀察和分析,也說說你眼中的「香港-內地」。 Hong Kong marks the 20th anniversary of the handover from British to Chinese rule. ... |
也斯漫遊:介乎本土與他鄉之間 Journey of Yasi: Between Hong Kong and Foreign Lands | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-02-23 11:13:53 |
也斯(1949 - 2013)以敏銳觸角及細膩的情感,把香港被遺忘或忽略的景致盡收筆下,突顯這裏的獨特與多元。喜愛周遊列國的他,足跡遍及東歐、美國、日本及台灣等地,他延伸這份對城市的觸感及豐富想像,為這些異鄉寫下經... |
Confessions of a Fashion Designer - DESIGN TOMORROW'S WORLD TODAY | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-02-09 12:51:35 |
After 10 years of chasing trends and flogging collections in the international fashion scene, Kay Wong would like to share her journey of transforming from a fashion designer to a Green Artivist. Toby Crispy, founder of LastbutnotLeast, also believes that UPcycling plays an important role in the sus... |
兩種真理 Two Kinds of Truth | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-02-09 12:46:18 |
一種真理: 1+1=2 一種真理:《紅樓夢》的意境空靈。 我們希望「挽救」它們。 There are two kinds of truth: extensional truth and intensional truth. The former refers to truth from knowledge, such as Mathematics, Physics, Sociology, Statistics. The value of a "tru... |
中國人相信甚麼? What do the Chinese People Believe? | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-02-02 18:52:27 |
While the nation is at a turning point in terms of both economic growth and social development, some say China now lacks core values - values that are widely believed in by both officials and the people and reflected in their actions. The two speakers will share with us their perspectives on the tra... |
[GE Talk] 阮兆輝 x 鄧樹榮: 西九作為大舞台──劇場與戲曲發展 How does the West Kowloon Cultural District Boost the Development of Theatre and Chinese Opera? | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-30 11:11:15 |
戲曲中心及Freespace預計於2018年底及2019年中相繼開幕,前者以推動戲曲製作、粵曲與其他傳統戲曲的保育和發展為己仼,後者則聚焦於前沿的跨界及跨文化創作;而演藝綜合劇場亦預計於2021年落成,擁有大型、中型及小型劇場及... |
GE概念店II GE Concept Store II - Be a Curator | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-26 16:01:50 |
With the great efforts of students and instructor of the workshop during the last semester, GE Gatherland2046 has been rejuvenated with the newly created, multi-functional mobile furniture built from used pallets. It's time to recruit 'store managers'/curators for the GE Concept Store! We welcome an... |
Visual and Performing Arts in Hong Kong: Opportunities and Challenges | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-22 11:59:32 |
In this talk, visual and performing arts practitioners will share their personal artistic journeys, examining how recent developments in Hong Kong have helped to generate a dynamic dialogue between artists, curators, and the public, and the importance of arts and cultural curation and exchange with ... |
GE New Programmes are OUT now! | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-19 17:06:13 |
GE programmes this semester cover a wide range of lectures, workshop, outings, etc. Enrol Now! |
GE New Programmes are OUT now! | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-19 17:00:06 |
GE programmes this semester cover a wide range of lectures, workshop, outings, etc. Enrol Now! |
GE New Programmes are OUT now! | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-19 16:51:21 |
GE programmes this semester cover a wide range of lectures, workshop, outings, etc. Enrol Now! |
Learning from the Great Body Teachers | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-15 14:32:37 |
In this talk, Dr. Chan will outline what we have learned from these donated bodies: anatomy, medical and health professionalism, and reflections on life and death. The influence of these great, altruistic individuals are immense and have spread beyond medicine, thus forming a bridge between the medi... |
'Within Every Woman': Screening and Discussion | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-15 14:27:58 |
Within Every Woman is the shortened, educational version of the documentary The Apology (2016) which explores the lives of former 'comfort women', the more than 200,000 women and girls forced into sexual slavery during World War II. A discussion on, 'Women and War: the Legacy of Gendered Wartime Sex... |
「向也斯致意:詩遊異鄉」 Call for Entries - 'A Tribute to Yasi: Poetic Journeys in Foreign Lands' Exhibition | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-15 14:23:38 |
The co-organisers are calling for visual artworks themed "Poetic Journeys in Foreign Lands" to serve as part of the annual commemoration of Yasi. Participants are invited to observe the world within and around them, and unleash their creativity in translating their inspirations into different medium... |
《藍天白雲》 'Somewhere Beyond the Mist' Screening and Discussion | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-15 14:20:21 |
Inspired by a true parenticide crime, Director Cheung King Wai explored the good and evil of human nature and the lives of people in his first fictional feature film Somewhere Beyond the Mist. |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the Second Semester, 2017 - 2018 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-15 14:16:48 |
Themed "Connecting the Dots", the GE programmes this semester cover a broad range of lectures, workshops, outings, as well as student-curated activities. We try to provide some links and directions for the dots you've come across or some nearby that you might have overlooked. So let's refresh and st... |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the Second Semester, 2017 - 2018 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-15 14:15:35 |
Themed "Connecting the Dots", the GE programmes this semester cover a broad range of lectures, workshops, outings, as well as student-curated activities. We try to provide some links and directions for the dots you've come across or some nearby that you might have overlooked. So let... |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the Second Semester, 2017 - 2018 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-15 14:13:50 |
Themed "Connecting the Dots", the GE programmes this semester cover a broad range of lectures, workshops, outings, as well as student-curated activities. We try to provide some links and directions for the dots you've come across or some nearby that you might have overlooked. So let... |
GE Technical Arts Workshop | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-01-02 15:55:47 |
The workshop covers design of sound, music and lighting. Please visit for more details. |
F:A:C:E: Mentorship x Theatre Programme 2017 劇場師友會 - Student Showcase | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-11-14 14:41:32 |
10組來自不同學科的同學將以表演藝術,展示過去三個月與文化藝術界導師交流的經歷。作品中承載著他們共同的感受、反思與創作的過程。10個不同主題的實驗作品帶領觀眾探索孤獨、寂靜、自然、情愛、溝通、隱私、城市和... |
金曲40大講堂:幕前幕後,樂壇血路 Gold Songs 40 Master Class | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-11-14 14:39:47 |
樂壇的成功,不單靠鎂光燈下的幕前表演者,更有賴幕後人一同努力。三名擔任不同崗位的音樂人,將分享他們如何入行,以及香港樂壇是否還有明天。 本講座是《金曲40大講堂》其中一節,由香港電台及香港大學通識教育部合... |
Out Run - Screening and Discussion 《粉紅政黨參選記》放映會及座談 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-10-24 14:54:45 |
Out Run, is a documentary about the Congressional Election in the Philippines, provides a unique look into the challenges that LGBT people face as they transition into the mainstream and fight for dignity, legitimacy, and acceptance across the globe. Following the screening, our guest speaker will s... |
Let's Go On a Picnic | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-10-24 14:52:55 |
Can you imagine chilling out on the lawn to enjoy the sun, music, snacks and homemade herbal tea even if you are in the campus? In this event, you can taste a variety of picnic food and know more about the picnic culture from the other side of the globe! |
SIU2《超紀元聲遊會》演前分享會 'A Musical Odyssey Beyond Time' Pre-Performance Sharing | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-10-03 11:58:31 |
SIU2 以混合中西音樂見稱, 無論是樂器、音樂類型、曲風,均見中西文化交流碰撞。想近距離欣賞他們的演出,這個演前分享會將是一次不可多得的經驗。SIU2 成員更會剖析他們的音樂創作過程, 並介紹表演用到的各種中西樂器... |
Prof. Lung Yingtai: To Believe or Not to Believe | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-09-28 11:50:30 |
Many leaders of our societies today are students of the 1970's, who shared certain values of the time. What has happened to these values four decades later? Can today's students draw inspiration from the transformation? |
集中創作營2流行與另類──邊寫邊鑿 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-09-28 11:45:45 |
#1為甚麼情書很難寫? Why is it difficult to write a love letter? #2為甚麼歌詞很易寫? Why is it easy to write lyrics? #3為甚麼人物訪問很愛寫?Why do I love writing an interview? #4為甚麼電視劇很怕寫? Why do I fear writing a TV script? |
Learning Beyond Scores and Credits | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-09-07 11:36:51 |
所謂「知識改變命運」,但「改變命運」的目標,究竟是搵份有前途的好工、還是成為「有教養的人」?港大校訓「明德格物」,寓意大學師生要發揚人與生俱來的德性,學習明辨事物的本質,最終實踐道德的生活。系列第一節... |
GE Live House - Curator's Gig | 夢想/麵包 Dream/Bread | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-09-07 11:34:47 |
很多人說道:「夢想和現實總是充滿衝突」。擁有無數夢想的同學,踏出現實社會時是否要放棄夢想? 一位即將畢業的同學,遇上一位已畢業的舊生,花一晚的時間,唱唱夢想、談談代表生活與現實的麵包。 "Dreams and reality ... |
New GE Programmes | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-09-07 11:31:54 |
Enrolment starts on 12 Sep at K.K. Leung Concourse. |
Finding Your "HYGGE" With General Education Unit | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-09-06 17:52:18 |
What is your "HYGGE"? |
GE New Programmes are OUT now! Check out more: | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-09-06 12:14:36 |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the First Semester, 2017 - 2018. Themed 'FINDING MY HYGGE - Infinite Ways to Live Well', the GE programmes this semester cover a broad range of lectures, workshops, outings, as well as student-curated activities. Please study our programme ... |
GE New Programmes are OUT now! Check out more: | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-09-06 12:07:07 |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the First Semester, 2017 - 2018. Themed 'FINDING MY HYGGE - Infinite Ways to Live Well', the GE programmes this semester cover a broad range of lectures, workshops, outings, as well as student-curated activities. Please study our programme ... |
GE New Programmes are OUT now! | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-09-06 11:55:53 |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the First Semester, 2017 - 2018. Themed 'FINDING MY HYGGE - Infinite Ways to Live Well', the GE programmes this semester cover a broad range of lectures, workshops, outings, as well as student-curated activities. Please study our programme ... |
F:A:C:E: Mentorship x Theatre Performance | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-07-18 12:45:02 |
Three groups of students have co-created three distinct and unique performances with their mentors. Let's explore the different sides of life and self through their stories. |
A Humanitarian Career from HK, to the Battlefield and Geneva | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-03-28 17:11:49 |
Growing up in Hong Kong, Mr. Jason Yip originally followed a typical pathâworking in an investment bank after graduating from the School of Business, HKU. But with a passion for the betterment of those less fortunate, he chose to become a humanitarian worker on the front line. In this seminar,... |
Contemporary Public Art Festivals and the urban landscape 當代公共藝術祭與城市景觀 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-03-28 16:25:49 |
Multidisciplinary art festivals of regional scales are plentiful nowadays. How is our urban and natural environment absorbing such explosion of festivals? Have these festivals seek to construct sustainable dialogues with their surroundings and their inhabitants? |
Sónar +D Free tickets giveaway | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-03-14 15:16:10 |
Create something original and innovative; short and spot-on. Our theme is FREEDOM! Sound, video clip, images, installations, performance....ALL medium, format and content are welcome! We will pick the 5 most creative and innovative winners. Details will be sent to the successful students by email: A... |
向也斯致意:守望香港 - 城市 | 藝術 | 詩 A Tribute to Yasi: Watching Over Hong Kong - City, Art, Poems | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-24 16:31:10 |
也斯的離開讓我們再度聚首。今年三月,我們將在港大展開一趟結合思念與想像的旅程,以音樂、藝術、研討會、讀詩、印詩等方式,去參與、追溯、及回應也斯對這城市過去、現在與將來的解讀。 It has been four years since Yasi pass... |
唱出自己的歌 - 中國搖滾三十 vs 台灣民歌四十 Sing Our Own Song - 30 Years of China's Rock vs. 40 Years of Taiwanese Folk | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-24 16:24:33 |
三十年中國搖滾,不長不短,有輝煌也有低谷,有傳奇也有非議,曾懷着一腔熱血要改變世界的那些人去哪了?《少年心氣》採訪了崔健、汪峰、鄭鈞等 20 多位中國搖滾音樂代表人物,個個口沒遮攔,力求一吐爲快,掀起前所... |
「一個人的運動 」工作坊 'Movement Starts with One' Workshop | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-15 17:55:52 |
在生活中,總有一些小事你會想改善的,每個人都有責任及能力把生活的環境變得好一點,那怕衹是一點點。「一個人的運動」工作坊是想每個同學轉換一對眼睛審視自己校園,發現超微細的問題,再透過創意去回應,去親近,... |
GE Mentorship Programme - Student Showcase Highlight | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-13 11:55:25 |
10 student groups have turned their reflections into unique artworks co-created with their mentors |
The Making of a Country: Estonia // Screening and Discussion of The Singing Revolution | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-10 16:58:18 |
The Singing Revolution portrays how, between 1987 and 1991, hundreds of thousands of Estonians gathered publicly to sing forbidden patriotic songs and share protest speeches, risking their lives to proclaim their desire for independence and end decades of Soviet occupation. The concepts of freedom, ... |
日本陶藝與大眾心靈的慰藉 Healing the Hearts: Ceramic Arts and Social Therapy in Japan | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-10 16:53:07 |
2011年「3.11大地震」後,日本社會人心惶惶,為了令大眾重拾對未來的憧憬,一群陶藝家將藝術重新定義,以自己的作品連繫地震災民的心靈。 自此,陶藝家成立「食器之力量」活動,在連續幾次天災後,為海嘯地區的災民提供... |
八、九十年代的華語流行曲與社會 Chinese Pop Songs and Society in the 80s-90s | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-10 16:46:15 |
兩岸三地於八、九十年代經歷各種社會動盪,由封閉邁向開放繁榮,同時對未來感到不安焦慮。回顧此特別時刻的時代曲,尋找當年建構三地身分的線索,或許能啟發我們理解一些現今的矛盾。 In this session, Chinese pop songs in mainla... |
The Birth of A Good Film 一部好電影是如何煉成的 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-07 14:57:28 |
We are glad to have invited Mr. Pang Ho Cheung, who has been many different positions in a film crew, to talk about the significance of different crew members working behind the lens. |
香港病倒了? Diagnosing Hong Kong | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-06 14:58:29 |
「上醫治國,中醫治人,下醫治病」,優秀的政治實踐應和「上醫」一樣,眼光長遠,心懷寬廣。醫學院院長梁卓偉教授將與一眾年青學生領袖從政治民生議題出發,探討香港前景。究竟社會出了什麼毛病?傷口能否自癒?還是... |
網絡公審--彰顯公義還是另類監控? Internet Judges: Manifesting Social Justice or Panopticon for Regulation? | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-03 16:25:04 |
鍵盤擁有一種力量,令每個人可在網絡上變成審判者,對社會發生的大小事作出批判。這種網絡生態,究竟會為我們的社會帶來甚麼影響?是伸張得不到的正義?還是令我們活在惶恐中?我們又應以哪種心態去面對這種網絡上的... |
人人都是評論家 Commentating in An Information Bubble | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-03 15:41:42 |
當社會越來越二元分化,我們該如何走出「同溫層」?三位熱衷時政的網絡評論家,將為輿論界作一次前瞻與回顧。 Amidst the Internet filled with key opinion leaders, is there a way to discern the quality of the commentaries? How can we escape the stratosphere... |
我焦慮,故我在 I Am Anxious, Therefore I Am | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-02 10:53:13 |
這是一個焦慮的時代。不安、失望、無力感,困擾香港整個城市。這次劉保禧與你一起,分享哲學家的觀點,探討「焦慮」的意義,思索出路,重新出發。 Anxiety, despair, and a sense of powerlessness plague our times and the society. From a philoso... |
Stand Up Comedy Workshop | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-01-26 16:53:20 |
Deal with anxiety and fears with a good LOL. Humour has the irreplaceable power to reflect society and confront norms and values of the time. "Jester sings for the King and Queen/ with a coat he borrowed from James Dean/ and a voice that it came from you and me." (Don McLean, American Pie)... |
林奕華:機場無真愛創作集中營 Fear of Flying | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-01-26 16:29:51 |
你知道為甚麼現代人常被拉扯於不想長大(依賴)和我要長大(獨立)的拔河之中? 長大與起飛,為甚麼在現代人的心境及現代社會的語境裏,都要經歷重重安檢,重重防衛,它們代表的是甚麼恐懼?以劇場及藝術角度,創作... |
Juno Mak: Swing in Creative Industries | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-01-20 17:27:03 |
As a pop singer, fashion ambassador and movie actor, writer, director and producer, Juno Mak has led a highly diversified career since he entered the entertainment business. Juno Mak will share his experience in different creative industries and talk about different creative industries. |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the Second Semester, 2016 - 2017 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-01-18 16:17:10 |
GE New Programmes are OUT now! Check out more: |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the 2nd Semester, 2016 - 2017 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-01-17 18:59:46 |
GE New Programmes are OUT now! Check it out: |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the 2nd Semester, 2016-2017 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-01-17 12:13:13 |
GE New Programmes are OUT now! Check out more: |
GE Happy 2gether & Early Bird Lunch Party | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-01-06 18:27:49 |
Let's give some warm welcome to the 2nd semester with steaming hot tea, organic salad from HKU Rooftop Farm, some warm bites and most of all, catching up with friends. Tell us how you spent the weeks of semester break. We will also introduce our upcoming activities including salons, workshops, s... |
Concert and Demonstration: Aesthetics in Indian Music | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-01-04 11:29:38 |
Being the first Carnatic musician to be nominated for an Oscar, Bombay Jayashri has brought the classical music of Southern India to a global centre-stage. Carnatic music is characterised by passionate vocals and melodic songs. In this concert, Bombay Jayashri, together with an ensemble of percussio... |
Global Student Forum - EU-China Relations: Present and Future Prospects | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-11-15 11:44:25 |
Two recent political upheavals - President-elect Donald Trump and Brexit - are about to reshape global international relationships. International co-operation, one which upheld years of prosperity and peace, and one which is disintegrating before our eyes, appears more important than ever - especial... |
大學問:陳幼堅《設計和設計師的價值》 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-11-15 11:08:00 |
環顧四周,你看到的商標,都可能出自他的手筆。本着對美的追求、對優質生活的嚮往,陳幼堅數十年來創作出別具個人風格、概念創新、糅合東西文化的作品,成為蜚聲國際的設計大師。已達殿堂級的他,把「分享」視作自己... |
GE F:A:C:E: Mentorship Programme 師友會-Student Showcase | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-11-14 16:05:34 |
這個未必是最完美的演出,卻是最真誠的一次演繹; 10組學員,10個故事,三個月的思潮風起雲湧; 最終於這夜,以各種藝術媒介盛載他們的所思所想。 The F:A:C:E: Mentorship Programme connects aspiring students to the seasoned practitioners in the... |
Jazz Film Festival - Buena Vista Social Club | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-11-09 12:26:11 |
Free screening of Buena Vista Social Club followed by sharing session with Verteran radio DJ Dr. Wong Chi Chung |
From HK to Geneva - Screening and Sharing 從香港到日內瓦 - 放映及分享會 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-11-03 10:14:05 |
港大通識與平等機會事務處合作,放映紀錄片《從香港到日內瓦》,並邀請片中組織卓新力量的成員分享他們自1995年成立以來參加《聯合國殘疾人權利公約》聽證會、舉辦街坊法律公約工作坊以及其他有趣經歷。 GE is joining Equal... |
Hall of Wisdom: Sarah Lee x Rex Tso 大學問:李慧詩 x 曹星如 - 輸在起跑線的勝利 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-11-01 18:23:04 |
香港土生土長八十後運動冠軍如何看待自己?勝負的真諦、傷病的意義、流過的血汗、成長的滋味、身邊人的支持、社會文化的影響 ─ 回歸第一身,曹星如和李慧詩的《大學問》。 How do the Hong Kong-born sports champions read themselves? ... |
Tribute to Bob Dylan - Songs that Change the world | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-11-01 18:13:01 |
"...Created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition" Inspired by the announcement of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Bob Dylan, GE and DAAO have invited members of the HKU Family to pay tribute to songs that change the world. With music performances and poetry reci... |
Urban Agriculture in Hong Kong and Belgium | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-10-27 13:04:21 |
With the rapid urbanisation worldwide, agriculture was once taken away from peopleâs daily life. But in the recent decade, agriculture has been brought to the city in different forms, such as rooftop farms, edible landscapes, community gardens, hydroponics and aquaponics, etc. Most of these ur... |
The Power of Music - Talk and Sarod Demonstration | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-10-27 02:06:51 |
Indian sarod player Soumik not only searches out a musical heritage gradually being marginalised in India, he also actively engages in dialogue with musicians from diverse cultural backgrounds. In this demo-talk, Datta plays the sarod as he shares how he discovers the limitless power of music throug... |
The Gay American Experience: Generations | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-10-25 16:24:29 |
Broadcast on U.S. television from 1992 to 2012, the In The Life newsmagazine is an invaluable time capsule of LGBTQ history. In The Life producers will present stories culled from the ground-breaking series, with a special screening of the 1995 Academy Award-winning short film âTrevor,â ... |
Screening & Discussion: Man of Iron | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-10-25 16:18:34 |
The 1980 Gdansk shipyard strikes ended with the Polish government giving in to the demands of Solidarity. In the following year, Solidarity was almost on an equal footing with the government. Wajda took advantage of this brief lapse of freedom and made this sequel to Man of Marble with a burst of en... |
大學問:任志剛《數字人生》Hall of Wisdom: Joseph Yam | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-10-13 10:11:02 |
香港今日能夠享有國際金融中心地位,成功背後有賴多代人的努力建設;其中一位最功不可沒的,非前金融管理局總裁任志剛先生莫屬。回歸接近20年,中國晉身全球第二大經濟體並和國際市場進一步融合,香港在此宏觀佈局下... |
Shanxi Traditional Opera Performance | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-10-05 20:45:03 |
The traditional Shanxi theatre art is important among others in Northern China. We are glad to have invited the award-winning Shanxi Drama Vocational College to perform a few of the signature plays. Special Guest: Chinese Orchestra, HKUSU |
GE Curators' Gig | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-10-05 20:38:44 |
We are glad to collaborate with the renowned musician/curator Kung Chi Shing and bring along two brilliant young talents: Mike Orange (guitarist and keyboardist of Chochukmo) and Rebearth (Music Producer/ MC/ Spoken Word Poet) to curate, perform and share at GE's first ever Curator's Gig. GE... |
GE x NVAF2016: Music Dreams 想創烏托邦 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-10-05 20:36:03 |
The three creative forces behind : Susie Au (區雪兒), VIcky Fung (馮穎琪) and Chow Yiu Fai (周耀輝) reveal how they shaped their pop-alt show, their passion for Hong Kong culture, and why they sought to share - if only for a moment - their on-going hope for utopia amid difficult times. |
GE Happy Hour | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-10-05 19:48:54 |
Friday is for fun and meeting (new) friends. Before our mega Curators' Gig next week, let's do a bit more music to warm up! |
Hall of Wisdom: Paul Shieh | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-10-04 16:58:33 |
本節由前大律師公會主席石永泰資深大律師主講,並邀請法政匯思召集人任建峰先生擔任嘉賓,二人將與在場同學大談法治的真相。 In this episode, Paul Shieh SC, former Chairman of the Bar Association, and Mr. Kevin Yam, Convenor of Progressive Lawyers Gr... |
Forum: Seeing the World through a Maker's Eyes | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-10-04 10:53:31 |
Mr. Cesar Jung-Harada, Founder of MakerBay, will speak about his journey as a maker, from learning traditional craftsmanship, to his dreams of developing swarm of autonoumous sailing robots, to growing a community of inventors that cares about people and nature in Hong Kong. |
GE ConFest 2016: Alternative Habits To Make the World Better | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-10-04 10:19:15 |
From daily habits to the global economy and finance, the norms we have adopted are not leading to a sustainable future, but to the verge of our own destruction. GE ConFest 2016 brings together like-minded souls who opt for alternatives for the betterment of our world and our future. We will rock you... |
Global Student Forum: The Political-Economic Impact of Brexit | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-29 10:26:54 |
In June 2016, a referendum in the United Kingdom threw the global economy into a turmoil. About 52% of the population of United Kingdom voted to exit the European Union Common Market which wiped off almost $2 trillion worth of stock assets from the world stock markets. On the political front, Brexit... |
Book Talk: A Polar Excursion on the Equator 赤道上的極地探險 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-29 10:17:56 |
新加坡最進步?移居花園城市最幸福? 散文集《赤道上的極地:新加坡微民族誌》的作者旅居新加坡超過100個星期,剛好是新加坡獨立50年的轉折點。在政府積極打造輝煌的國家形象與逐漸白熱化的社會問題之間,他所關注是在... |
Science Meets Art: Dancing with the 'God Particle' 科學與藝術:舞動「上帝粒子」 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-29 10:13:33 |
科學和藝術就像兩個風馬牛不相及的平行世界,但科學家與藝術家時刻都在實驗,把想像變為現實,影響世界。在全球最大的粒子物理學實驗室CERN,一眾藝術家以他們的方式揭示尋找「上帝粒子」之旅。 At the world's largest part... |
《一首歌,一個時代》──龍應台主講 Hall of Wisdom: Lung Yingtai | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-29 10:11:52 |
小時候聽來自上海周璇的歌,依稀卻聽見哀怨的日本演歌和台灣歌,京劇的《四郎探母》又和激越的愛國軍歌交織;歌曲是如何在沉默地、曲折地、諷刺地書寫歷史? 本講座為「香港大學孔梁巧玲傑出人文學者公開講座」,以... |
Hoop Dance Introduction Workshop | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-28 12:46:39 |
This Friday's Happy Hour we are glad to have invited a special guest, Grace, to show us some tricks and movements with hoop. Come along if you want to find out more, learn some beginner's tricks or just chill out for a Happy Friday! Grace Hui was trained in Berlin for years and now she is te... |
A Closer Look at Ethiopia: Visit of HKU Students | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-20 17:38:00 |
Nineteen HKU students and professors from African Studies Programme and Department of Linguistics conducted an educational field trip to Ethiopia in May to gain first-hand experience and carry out empirical investigations on various issues. |
GE non-credit bearing programmes and events are out NOW! Enrolment starts on 7/9! | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-01 17:58:49 |
GE has endeavoured to curate co-curricular programmes that are creative and proactive in order to develop a collegial, flexible, pluralistic and supportive intellectual environment since 1995. In this semester, we try to build our programmes along the theme of 'Alternatives'. |
GE Alternative: The Flip | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-01 17:12:02 |
Upside down, inside out, left-side is a free world with 1000 ways. You can flip the classroom as well - come to GE and curator a programme for your fellow mates! |
GE Alternatives: The Way Out | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-01 17:01:52 |
If options are not available, make it. GE is a open platform for you to curate, create, learn and have fun. Come visit us! |
GE Alternatives: Call of Nature | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-01 16:48:21 |
Maybe it's easier than we thought to set up a gender-neutral toilet. CEDARS has just set up one recently. |
GE Alternatives: In Dimensions | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-01 16:39:39 |
Look from different angles. Take part in GE programmes to learn the angles. |
GE: Alternatives - Colour Book Tutorial | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-01 13:09:45 |
There are 1000 ways to colour a colour book. So as many other things in life. Think of a better alternatives before action. Try GE programmes to learn about the alternatives. |
Water! | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-01 12:24:40 |
They say the first person who invented bottled water is clever - don't be fooled no more! Think of the better alternatives before every action. Free and clean water is around campus, and also at GE Gatherland. |
The Sharp and the Blunt | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-09-01 12:08:55 |
Look sharp or work hard? That's your choice. If you pick the latter, GE can offer you more. Interesting activities all through semester are here to enrich your HKU journey. |
GE offers alternative learning experiences to ALL HKU! | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-08-31 18:24:18 |
GE non-credit bearing programmes and events are out NOW! Enrolment starts on 7/9! |
GE Programmes - Enrol on 7 Sep | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-08-31 17:06:57 |
In this semester, we try to build our programmes along the theme of 'Alternatives'. We will probe into the theme through a wide range of activities. |
GE: Alternatives - (Make your own) Choices | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-08-30 18:06:12 |
Some things are not given. Get inspirations from GE programmes and create choices for yourself! |
GE: Alternative - The Choice | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-08-30 17:33:58 |
Blue Pill or Red Pill? Find out how deep the rabbit hole goes. Mind you: it can't be told. You have to see it for yourself. Explore the other sides of the world with GE programmes. |
Cultural Cleansing and Iconoclasm under the "Islamic State" | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-08-30 13:20:06 |
This talk will explore and document the human/heritage 'cultural cleansing' undertaken by the IS against two fragile minorities: the Yezidi and Christian populations of northern Iraq and Syria. |
GE2016: Alternatives | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-08-30 13:06:54 |
Life is full of choices. There is always an alternative. GE offers alternative learning experiences to ALL HKUlers. Try us and enrich your HKU journey! |
Cultural Tour: Pokfulam Village, University Hall, Béthanie | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-08-29 17:05:21 |
Filled with fascinating architecture, indigenous village culture and relics, Pokfulam witnessed a long HK stories and is still alive and vibrant. We have reserved the best day of the year for you when the villagers are preparing the Fire Dragon for the coming Mid-Autumn festival. |
土地政策變變變工作坊 HK Land Workshop | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-05-09 15:21:20 |
現時社會都知道香港有很多「土地問題」,但究竟大眾可以如何參與解決問題?近年有豐富土地政策倡議經驗的本土研究社將帶同學考察香港各種土地發展問題,與及教你偵測各種土地變化,讓大家除了能夠理解同時可以合力作... |
Ta-ta (Farewell+Thankyou) Party | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-04-22 15:58:43 |
It's approaching to the last day of teaching of the term. What's the better way than to celebrate it with a party on campus? To farewell the lovely exchange students, the half-excited-half-anxious final year students and especially those who have helped and supported GE along the way, we are... |
通識夏令營:我_故我在 GE Summer Camp: I ________, therefore I am | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-04-18 16:41:13 |
Let’s break through the established patterns of thought to steer ourselves in the direction we would like to go. A group creative work or performance will be the finale highlight of the camp. ‘I ________, therefore I am’ – there is no model answer. |
Earth Day @ HKU | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-04-18 16:39:35 |
What will happen if we can exchange goods and service without money? In the Exchange Square on the HKU Lawn, co-organised with Lawnmap, everyone can bring their own things to barter, share or even co-create. Just bring your own picnic cloth (no larger than 200 cm x 200 cm) and you can start it in yo... |
Introduction to Setouchi Triennale 2016 + Volunteer Recruitment | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-04-15 14:47:59 |
Two art festivals in Japan opened up new ways to make, exhibit and experience art. The Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale and Setouchi Triennale could possibly be the answer to bring back art to humanity. Alex and Mona from Sense Connect will explain to us the concept and the stories behind. They will als... |
Hong Kong as an Innovation Hub for Technology | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-04-13 15:29:25 |
The newly established Innovation and Technology Bureau aims to facilitate the development of knowledge-based economy and technological innovations in Hong Kong. What it takes to successfully transform Hong Kong into an innovation hub in the region? What are the major hurdles and the possible strateg... |
Belt and Road: Prospects of China's economic growth and Hong Kong's role | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-04-07 10:54:42 |
Belt and Road: Prospects of China's economic growth and Hong Kong's role |
The Good, the Bad and the Art/Cultural Industry - Why We Think What We Think - Power and Narratives | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-30 21:58:25 |
What makes art "art"? We will also introduce various power and agents in the industry. Referring to cultural theories and case studies, we will take a moment to question everything about the art/cultural industry and attempt the big questions: what is art? what is the purpose? |
Myanmar's Moment: Transitions Shaping Its Future | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-29 12:30:02 |
After decades of military rule, Myanmar is experiencing an unprecedented array of fundamental political, economic and social changes. The next President of Myanmar Htin Kyaw, who is a close ally of Aung San Suu Kyi, will lead the new Myanmar Government from 1 April 2016. With this two-session series... |
Anywhere But Lame - Stories of the Road Less Travelled 尋找旅行的意義 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-29 12:26:45 |
Admit it: many of us grew up under excessive protection from 'monster parents'. Your hall life may be your first experience of independence. While many of you are planning for a summer trip, let's step out of the comfort zone (and tourist spots) and let's embrace adventures. 'Roa... |
Climatic Catastrophe and Green Energy 氣候災變與綠能革命 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-29 12:24:47 |
The 21st Conference of Parties summit (COP21) took place at the end of 2015. Heads of states agreed in general to spell the end for coal and other fossil fuels before 2050 hoping to prevent a climatic catastrophe caused by Global Warming. As we switch to renewable energy, we are also entering the ze... |
Prof. Leo Lee (李歐梵教授) Crossing Horizons - Seeing the World in a Pluralistic Way | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-21 15:42:49 |
Acclaimed literary scholar, Prof. Leo Lee Ou Fan claims himself a 'cosmopolitan' as he admires many different cultures. And he also emphasises the importance of his multiple rolesâa scholar, a cultural man, and an amateur. Standing at the junction of different fields, Prof. Lee will sh... |
My Views on the Opportunity and Future of Innovation and Technology Development in Hong Kong | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-21 15:37:20 |
The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong, inaugurated in December 2015, is set up to promote the development and advancement of science and technology in Hong Kong. This forum will discuss the emerging opportunities ahead for Hong Kong, such as the collaboration among different sectors including academi... |
Anywhere But Lame - Stories of the Road Less Travelled 尋找旅行的意義 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-18 20:26:19 |
While many of you are planning for a summer trip, let's step out of the comfort zone (and tourist spots) and let's embrace adventures. "Road less travelled", not only refers to exotic locations but also about meeting unexpected people and taking journeys that eventually lead to our... |
'Like A Boss': The Preservation and Modernisation of HK Trams | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-18 12:08:23 |
In his talk, Hong Kong Tramways' Managing Director, Emmanuel Vivant, will introduce how the company is managing the sometimes competing demands of heritage preservation and service modernization, the extensive improvement plan rolled out since French operators RATP and Transdev took control of t... |
Screening and Discussion - Timbuktu | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-18 12:03:32 |
We are pleased to announce that the director of Timbuktu, Mr. Abderrahmane Sissako will present his movie at HKU and join the post-screening discussion. |
China's 13th Five-Year Plan under President Xi's Leadership | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-18 11:59:31 |
Despite the expectation for China to continue its journey towards superpower status, President Xi Jinping repeatedly called for adaptation to a "new normal" of slower growth in the 13th Five-Year Plan, covering 2016 to 2020. Another influential change in the plan is the abolition of the on... |
Hong Kong Land Supply 香港土地供應 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-18 11:55:04 |
究竟什麼土地出現短缺,原因何在、如何解決?我們很高興邀請到發展局副局長馬紹祥先生, JP 與大家一起探討香港土地供應問題。 What land are we short of? Why? How to solve it? We are glad to have invited Mr. Ma Siu-cheung, Eric, JP, Under Secretary for ... |
Hong Kong Land Supply - Prof. Yue Chim Richard Wong | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-14 16:16:07 |
Hong Kong ranks no.1 for most unaffordable housing, leaving dwellers squeezing in tiny flats and street sleepers shivering in cold winter days. Meanwhile, some suggest urbanizing country parks and "brown fields". What land are we short of? Why? How to solve it? |
Hong Kong Land Supply - Mr. Ma Siu-cheung, Eric, JP, Under Secretary for Development | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-14 16:11:40 |
Hong Kong ranks no.1 for most unaffordable housing, leaving dwellers squeezing in tiny flats and street sleepers shivering in cold winter days. Meanwhile, some suggest urbanizing country parks and "brown fields". What land are we short of? Why? How to solve it? We are glad to have invited ... |
The Good, the Bad and the Art/Cultural Industry | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-03-14 16:06:42 |
Referring to cultural theories and case studies, with visits to some of the most prominent creative spaces, we will take a moment to question everything about the art/cultural industry and attempt the big questions: what is art? And what is the purpose of art? |
When Animals Meet Humans | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-02-25 17:49:10 |
This course aims to investigate the notion of animal rights by turning everyday anthropocentric values upside down and re-examining humansâ relationship with non-human animals in terms of social justice, rights to the city and more. 本課程將透過反思人類中心主義、城市使用權... |
'Like A Boss': Let's Talk about Crowdfunding by Executive Director of FringeBacker | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-02-25 09:58:16 |
Join FringeBacker's Executive Director, Ms. Maryann Hwee for a session on crowdfunding insights and how crowdfunding was introduced to Hong Kong. From an inspiring international award winning equestrian to Hong Kongâs first investigative news agency - deep dive into successful case studies... |
Book Talk - City of Darkness: Life in Kowloon Walled City | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-02-18 18:49:10 |
Though demolished 24 years ago, fascination in the Kowloon Walled City just continues to grow, fired in part by the many urban legends that forever swirl around this extraordinary community. With over 320 photographs, 32 extended interviews, and essays on the Cityâs history and character, City... |
《泰特斯2.0》Titus Andronicus 2.0 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-02-18 12:41:23 |
被喻為莎士比亞最血腥作品,鄧樹榮起用嶄新大膽的劇場手法,以形體劇場的說書形式,加入現場音樂及形體語彙,展現羅馬大將泰特斯以眼還眼的復仇經典。演員將直面觀眾,省去所有不必要的舞台元素,留下空的舞台與簡潔... |
港大學生獨立製作《未竟之路》放映會及映後談 Screening and Discussion of Road Not Taken | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-02-18 11:43:39 |
由罷課到重奪公民廣場,佔中啟動到催淚彈發射,留守金鐘、旺角和銅鑼灣,這些時刻對當時就讀港大文學院二年級的馮敬恩 Billy 和三年級的許彤 Popsy 記憶猶新。 隨著政改滑稽告終,社會討論缺乏議題聚焦,公民社會發展又陷... |
From Field to Plate | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-02-05 17:27:23 |
3-Michelin-Star Chef Umberto Bombana, aka "King of White Truffle", will share with us how the chef himself, food culture, food ingredients, and the cultural setting of his place and space contribute to his culinary creations, in particularly, the gastronomic specialty truffle and Italian a... |
音樂家對談室:音樂人是怎樣煉成的? A Chatroom with Musicians: What makes you a Musician? | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-02-05 17:24:55 |
在這個多向的對談室,Music Lab將請來不同界別、背景和範疇的音樂家去說說他們的音樂之路,和他們如何看自己作為音樂家的身份。 In this dynamic environment nowadays, how do musicians perceive themselves, "follow their passion" and develop thei... |
Where Next for University Governance? | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-02-01 16:04:00 |
校園內外,圍繞大學管治的爭議聲不絕於耳。學術自由和院校自主受《基本法》明文保障,但有人形容兩者正受空前的衝擊。本論壇無法提供解決難題的良方,但我們相信,誰也不能置身事外,唯有直面討論大學管治的挑戰和前... |
GE non-credit bearing programmes and events are out NOW! Enrolment starts on 26/1 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-01-22 18:05:55 |
The world is troubled by terrorism, refugee problem, Middle East crisis, climate catastrophe... In the post-occupy era, HK still faces many unsolved problems. GE cannot give you the answer, but together with guests from different sectors, we will learn and gather our thoughts to contribute to issues... |
GE non-credit bearing programmes and events are out NOW! Enrolment starts on 26/1 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-01-21 18:07:21 |
The world is troubled by terrorism, refugee problem, Middle East crisis, climate catastrophe... In the post-occupy era, HK still faces many unsolved problems. GE cannot give you the answer, but together with guests from different sectors, we will learn and gather our thoughts to contribute to issues... |
GE Enrolment: Germination | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-01-21 10:25:52 |
This semester, GE is offering a variety of programmes on politics, personal/faith, sustainability, social concern, business & economics, science & technology, arts & culture and the interactive programmes of Project G/ GEST (GE Student Team) and Happy 2gether. Enrolment Counters - 26/1 (... |
Poems of Everyday Life: A Tribute to Yasi | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-01-21 10:14:48 |
也斯離世3年來,大家對他思念不減。我們再度聚首於香港大學,以他的家和主要的書寫對象「香港」為起點,透過音樂、讀詩、野餐、印詩及電影,跟隨他的腳步,走過這座城市的大街和窄巷、繁華與凋零;走過昨日,再一起... |
Leading Patrons of Asian Art - Documentary Screening-and-Discussion | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-01-19 11:23:04 |
Leading Patrons of Asian Art is an independent project to advance discourse on art and art collecting in the Asian art world via the lens of art patronage. The films feature "closed-door conversations" with the personalities behind some of the worldâs finest contemporary Asian contem... |
General Education Unit - Germination | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2016-01-15 12:27:24 |
General Education Unit - Germination |
後區議會選舉的地方政治格局 Reshaped Political Landscape after 2015 District Council Election | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-11-20 13:07:47 |
佔領運動後的首次香港區議會選舉結果將於本周日揭盅,十八區將出現怎樣的新局面?不論你尚未有投票權,還是第一次手握選票,都歡迎出席是次論壇,一同展望香港的地方政治格局。 The District Council Election 2015, set for this Sund... |
Re-imagine Taiwan through the Election Battle - Talk | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-11-03 17:35:13 |
Taiwan is slated to hold its presidential and legislative elections next January. Recent events including the Sunflower Movement, the Taiwan local elections of 2014, and the Kuomintang presidential candidate change, indicate changes in its political landscape. A third party force rooted in Taiwan&ac... |
AIIB and A New World Order | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-30 18:43:33 |
In this talk, Prof. So will talk about the economic outlook, the possible changes to global financial structures, the impacts on Hong Kong to become an inaugural member of the AIIB, and how Hong Kong can grasp the opportunity to remain at the centre stage as a global financial hub. |
重組香港流行文化 Reassembling Hong Kong Popular Culture | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-28 17:42:19 |
兩位同樣着緊香港的學者吳俊雄與馬傑偉,自通識教育部成立以來籌辦多個課程,與學生邊講流行文化邊尋找「香港人」。廿年過去,是時候溫故知新,重組再出發。 Dr. C. H. Ng and Prof. Eric Ma, scholars on popular culture and media studies, w... |
Africa's Premier Diva Angelique Kidjo @ HKU | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-28 17:37:22 |
Ms. Angelique Kidjo, singer, songwriter, two-time Grammy Award winner (2008 & 2015), and UNICEF Goodwill ambassador from Benin, West Africa, will be giving a talk at HKU. Her talk will focus around her artistic life, her political engagement as well as her foundation "Batonga," which a... |
A Taste of Aloha - Taimane, the Hawaiian Ukulele Virtuoso | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-27 11:20:59 |
Taimane blends Hawaiian tradition with contemporary culture and witness how the peaceful islands of Hawaii have been transformed by digital technology and connect closer to the world. Today, whether delicately finger-picking through Bach or radically ripping through Led Zeppelin, Taimane has the abi... |
Coming Season of Hong Kong Football | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-26 19:03:12 |
Two more matches and we will know if Hong Kong can made it into World Cup finals in 2018, for the very first time. Right before the battles, for 2 consecutive Tuesdays in November, we have timely invited veteran football heroes and scholars to tell us the ups and downs, past and future of HK footbal... |
Coming Season of Hong Kong Football | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-26 18:59:43 |
Two more matches and we will know if Hong Kong can made it into World Cup finals in 2018, for the very first time. Right before the battles, for 2 consecutive Tuesdays in November, we have timely invited veteran football heroes and scholars to tell us the ups and downs, past and future of HK footbal... |
Hong Kong Agenda: Towards a Caring Society | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-26 17:09:04 |
How can the Government tackle poverty and foster a caring, compassionate and cohesive Hong Kong? All students who are the future pillars of society are welcome to join this face-to-face meeting with Mr. Cheung, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and together shed light on the topic. |
選戰前夕,重新想像台灣──2016年台灣大選考察團 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-26 13:01:25 |
這個台灣大選考察團將帶同學拜訪台灣學者及政治人物,與當地大學生交流,感受造勢晚會的氣氛,見證台灣歷史的重要一頁,讓你重新想像藝文青、小清新、小確幸以外的台灣。 Taiwan is slated to hold its presidential and legislative elec... |
夢想會飛的那一天 - 黃修平 x 楊千嬅 x 林海峰 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-26 12:48:14 |
2013年,黃修平的電影《狂舞派》激勵了無數年青人挾著夢想有幾盡去幾盡;2015年,新作《哪一天我們會飛》 描述人到中年無意中激起追溯舊記憶的衝動。Adam喜以追逐夢想為電影題材,正值風大浪急之際的香港,造夢者可以怎... |
Henan Opera Performance 河南豫劇表演 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-22 21:30:07 |
Combining music, singing, dancing, acting, martial art, body movement, visual art and indigenous dialects and culture for over a thousand year, Henan opera has become one with highly appreciative and unique style. The award winning Henan Opera House's Youth Group will visit HKU to perform classi... |
Why Our Marriage Matters and Brings Honour to Our Family | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-19 11:42:17 |
John Catania and Charles Ignacio have been together for 21 years and were legally married in the U.S. in 2011. During the past two decades Charles and John have also worked side by side on LGBT issues, most notably as producers for the groundbreaking lesbian and gay television newsmagazine, In the L... |
GE ConFest 2015 FF: Food & Future | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-19 11:07:43 |
GE ConFest 2015 invites you to play a vital role in contributing to the sustainable future of food by exploring more possibilities in agriculture industry, sustainable use of natural resources and food consumption patterns from communal to global levels. GE ConFest 2015以「FF: Food & Future」... |
Hong Kong Agenda: Energy Saving Plan for Hong Kong's Built Environment | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-19 11:02:19 |
The Environment Bureau in May unveiled the Energy Saving Plan for the Built Environment 2015~2025+ (「香港都市節能藍圖2015~2025+」), which sets a new target of reducing Hong Kong's energy intensity by 40% by 2025. The plan is the first-ever energy saving blueprint for Hong Kong. It ana... |
Demystifying ISIS: Reality in the Context of Global Power Politics | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-19 10:55:00 |
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is growing its territory while rapidly expanding its network in the Middle East, North Africa, and around the world. It has been infamously known for its brutality and is seen to bring impact on regional and global security. |
GE 20 大講堂:邊陲香港──佔領之後的掙扎 Hong Kong’s Struggle as the Periphery in the Post-Occupy Era | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-09 17:39:59 |
文化評論員梁文道於2011年親臨港大,在中山廣場與同學剖析香港作為邊陲地帶的尷尬與掙扎。那時誰也料不到,香港會出現2014年那些過萬人佔領夏愨道、旺角和銅鑼灣的畫面,此後香港的掙扎有增無減。遊走於兩岸三地之間的... |
盧凱彤 枕邊絮語 - 走過躁鬱 瞥見曙光 Pillow Talk with Ellen Loo | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-10-09 16:00:25 |
盧凱彤為本港著名音樂人。多年來,她的音樂才華和魅力為她帶來不少知音人。盧凱彤開始個人獨立發展,卻發現自己受到精神和情緒問題困擾,令她的事業於2014年一度停頓。經過一年的重新調整和藥物治療,盧凱彤漸漸走出... |
《礦世鉅著──香港礦業史》 Hong Kong Mining History | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-24 18:36:52 |
《礦世鉅著──香港礦業史》是香港首本關於香港礦業歷史而中英並文的書,介紹香港過去數百年間曾開採過的礦場。當中,開採的礦物包括方鉛礦、黑鎢礦、磁鐵礦、石墨、綠柱石、石英、長石、高嶺土和採花崗岩。 此書將... |
GE ConFest 2015 FF: Food & Future | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-24 17:10:16 |
GE ConFest 2015以「FF: Food & Future」為主題,嘗試透過反思食物生產、農業及土地政策、消費、飲食文化等各方面,探索一個與大自然和諧共存、多元而永續的生活模式,以行動改變「吃」的未來。 GE ConFest 2015 invites you to play a vit... |
ifva x GE - Screening + Dialogue | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-23 17:37:53 |
Independent film has always been the most vibran on the scene. Hong Kong Arts Centre's Incubator for Film and Visual media in Asia (ifva) has been nurturing independent spirit in Hong Kong for 20 years. To celebrate both our 20th anniversaries, we joined hands to tailor-make programmes especiall... |
四代香港人VS佔領世代的香港學生 Hong Kong’s Four Generations VS Hong Kong Students as the Occupy Generation | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-18 11:18:33 |
2014年由學生罷課掀起的佔領運動,將過去20年從未止息的香港世代紛爭討論推到一個全新層次。曾出版《四代香港人》、透析生於戰前以至1990年四代人精神面貌的呂大樂,將與兩名曾參與運動以及2015年港大通識暑期課程「再」... |
'Like a Boss': Life is a marathon | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-18 11:17:00 |
王利民先生為康宏金融控股有限公司主席。王先生一直喜歡創新求變,熱衷參加各類本地及國際馬拉松賽事,如撒哈拉沙漠和北極馬拉松,更是歷來首名衝線南極100公里超級馬拉松的香港人。 究竟馬拉松如何影響他的人生?王... |
ifva x GE 20/20 - Screening + Dialogue | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-14 18:08:59 |
Independent film has always been the most vibrant on the scene. Hong Kong Arts Centre's Incubator for Film and Visual media in Asia (ifva) has been nurturing independent spirit in HK for 20 years. To celebrate, we joined hands to tailor-make programmes especially for HKU students. ifva winners f... |
華麗與黑暗之間-杜琪峯的光影世界 Between Glamour and Darkness - Johnnie To's Cinematic World | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-11 16:05:52 |
香港著名導演杜琪峯以極具個人風格的警匪、江湖片揚名國際影壇,但在黑色與冷峻之外,杜Sir也有不少賣座都市愛情作品如《單身男女》,最新作品《華麗上班族》更是其首部3-D歌舞片。講座中,杜Sir將與影評人登徒大談他的... |
Music Short Film Pandora's Box Premiere 23/9 18:30 KB726 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-07 22:50:50 |
Music short film Pandora's Box Premiere: 23/9/15 (WED) 6:30pm-8:30pm KB726, Knowles Building, HKU - Price $30 [to cover the cost of production] - Dialogue in Cantonese, with Chinese and English subtitle - |
Music Short Film Pandora's Box Premiere 23/9 18:30 KB | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-07 22:47:18 |
Music short film Pandora's Box Premiere: 23/9/15 (WED) 6:30pm-8:30pm KB726, Knowles Building, HKU - Price $30 [to cover the cost of production] - Dialogue in Cantonese, with Chinese and English subtitle - |
General Education Programmes Enrolment Starts on 9/9/2015 (3) | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-07 18:08:11 |
GE Programmes are non-credit bearing and open to all current HKU students. Enrolment counters: 9/9 KK Leung Concourse; 10/9 Haking Wong Podium; 11/9 Onwards - GE Office at 2/F Pao Siu Loong |
General Education Programmes Enrolment Starts on 9/9/2015 (2) | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-07 18:03:04 |
GE Programmes are non-credit bearing and open to all current HKU students. Enrolment Counters: 9/9 - KK Leung Concourse; 10/9 - Haking Wong Podium; 11/9 Onwards - GE Office (2/F Pao Siu Loong) |
General Education Programmes Enrolment Starts 9/9/2015 (1) | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-07 17:49:22 |
GE Programmes are non-credit bearing and open to all current HKU students. Enrolment Counters: 9/9 - KK Leung Concourse; 10/9 - Haking Wong Podium; 11/9 Onwards - GE Office (2/F Pao Siu Loong) |
Music Short Film Pandora's Box Premier 23/9 18:30 KB726 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-07 13:03:34 |
Music short film Pandora's Box Premiere: 23/9/15 (WED) 6:30pm-8:30pm KB726, Knowles Building, HKU - Price $30 [to cover the cost of production] - Dialogue in Cantonese, with Chinese and English subtitle - |
Global Student Forum: How to Address Gender Inequality? | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-09-04 17:59:45 |
As HKU became the first university globally to launch the United Nations' HeForShe campaign on campus, it implores us to address the plan of action we will take to address gender inequality. It also brings to light the notion of modern day feminism that is associated with the campaign. We must q... |
GE 20th Anniversary Programmes - Tastes of Thoughts 嗒落有味 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-08-31 15:29:18 |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the First Semester, 2015-2016 Twenty years of concocting gourmet tastes of thoughts- GE is the common platform to provide intellectual nourishment for all students at HKU. This is a repast to be both enjoyed and envied. We hope that you will savour... |
自己幅牆自己畫之「天氣熱也要拯救地球」Let's Save Planet Earth When it's too Hot | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-06-15 17:42:42 |
夏日熱辣辣淨係識得吃西瓜消暑解渴?這個暑假決心離開冷氣房,與插畫師Ali 一起用畫筆在牆上畫上心繫地球的訊息,渡過一個「油牆假期」。 What better way to beat the heat in this summer than to indulge in a creative journey with a paint brush on y... |
自己餐飯自己煮之「今餐煮乜餸」 Happy Meal Cooking Class | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-06-15 17:41:12 |
住宿舍,不用天天吃公仔麵、烏冬、意粉,也不用每次吃飯都要頭痛去哪裏吃,你絕對有選擇。 與其吃麵吃到厭,倒不如自己買自己煮。 今個暑期,通識請來三位導師教你如何用廉價食材和簡單技巧,煮出美味的菜式。 Are you b... |
自己燈罩自己整之「燈燈燈燈」 Deng Deng Deng Deng | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-06-15 17:39:35 |
本地創作團隊鴛鴦帶大家混合新與舊,細緻與原始,實用與情感,在香港尋找被忽略的事物,創作一顆顆別具特色的城市亮燈。參加同學將共同為通識Gatherland製作室內燈飾,亦可帶走一盞自己製作的燈。 "Deng" is the Cantone... |
Dare to Dream: Meeting with the Father of Shrek and Monster Hunt - Raman Hui | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-06-10 11:47:57 |
In this Master:Class, Raman Hui, who is widely recognised as the Father of Shrek, will tell you how his dreams come true, share his insights in creativity and talk about his latest work, Monster Hunt, a Chinese fantasy adventure film directed by him. |
Building Connected, Competitive, and Creative Cities: Somerville's Story - Face to Face with the Mayor | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-06-02 16:20:29 |
Joseph A. Curtatone, the second youngest Mayor in Somerville, has turned a government in fiscal crisis into a city with its highest ever bond rating. Under his leadership and implementation of innovative governance strategies, Somerville has earned accolades including "the best-run city in Mass... |
GE Summer Programmes 2015 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-04-23 18:14:02 |
Re-code 重新編碼 As a co-curricular unit, GE hopes to bring in new dimensions and challenging horizons that students can re-balance their choices and directions in lives. We invite you to re-boot yourself and the city through our summer camp, re-search the identity of Hong Konger in a 24-hour no... |
Cantonese: Culture and Identity of the Tongue | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-04-09 16:13:50 |
Cantonese the language experiences a dynamic and complex development in recent years amid the rapid social changes in Hong Kong. The increasingly widespread use of Putonghua is seen in various domains. Meanwhile, there are calls for preserving Cantonese as it represents a distinctive Hong Kong lingu... |
Earth Day @ HKU | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-04-09 16:09:11 |
Earth Day, a day dedicated to appreciating and celebrating the planet, will be observed on 22/4 (Wed) this year. Organised by the General Education Unit, Earth Day @ HKU will feature a series of programmes which unite voices around the globe to show our solidarity in building a better world. >>... |
HKU Global Student Forum: Stay tuned for updates about our upcoming forum | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-03-31 12:10:18 |
We are an initiative led jointly by the HKU Student Consulting Group and GE. |
The American Civil War: 150 Years on and Searching for an 1862 Burial Ground | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-03-31 12:06:31 |
Exactly 150 years ago, on 9 April 1865, the American Civil War, which determined the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy, effectively ended with the surrender of the main Southern army in Virginia. Mr. William Meacham will present research on the Southerners' perspective. H... |
Refugee Run 走進難民的世界 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-03-18 14:49:55 |
Persecution, war, and massacre seem far from our daily lives in Hong Kong and we only hear about them through the news. In this talk, representative from UNHCR will share the first-hand information and experiences about growing threats around the world. 幸福並非必然。全球局勢動盪戰亂... |
Hong Kong Agenda: Archiving the Occupy Movement | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-03-13 15:14:21 |
While most jurisdictions in the developed world have enacted archives legislation, Hong Kong has not. How can we professionally keep a record of the movement and avoid romanticising this minority community built with tents and artworks? Speakers: Dr. Robert Chung 鍾庭耀博士, Prof. Oscar Ho 何... |
You Are What You Eat: Healthy Soils, Safe Food and Sustainable Future | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-03-11 12:47:21 |
Food is essential for our survival and health. But do we really know about our food? And how is food related to the environment? In this forum, Prof. Jonathan Wong and Mr. Yip Tsz Shing will discuss the impact of different farming practices on the environment and how we can attain a more sustainable... |
Do things right and do right things - My 30 years of business life in China | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-03-11 12:42:51 |
With more than 30 years' experience in business and management, Mr. Sunny Wong, currently the Executive Director of Tibet 5100 Water Resources Holdings Ltd., will share with you the positive value of life and the necessary integrity in business via his stories. Before joining the Tibet 5100 Wate... |
Hong Kong Agenda: Media Practitioners in the 'Era of Disobedience' | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-03-02 14:58:39 |
The leaders of the Occupy Central declared Hong Kong would enter an ‘era of disobedience’ after the NPCSC’s decision on 2017 election was adopted on 31 August 2014. During the 79-day sit-in, at least 24 journalists covering the protests faced attacks, TVB news reporters released an open letter... |
Crowdfunding: Music Entrepreneurship and Creative Empowerment | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-02-16 16:16:54 |
Chet Lam, Hong Kong singer-songwriter/music entrepreneur will come to HKU GE and share his routes of the music startup and his brand new venture, Music Bee - a music crowdfunding platform. 網上集資 (crowdfunding) 是當下的熱門關鍵詞,您有沒有想過或者試過出錢投資自己或... |
Happy 2gether - One One Weaving Workshop | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-02-16 12:50:11 |
Weavers from St. James' Settlement Rehabilitation Services will share their techniques and talents in weaving art and teach us to create a piece of artsy textile with the handy tool 'one one weave'. 紡織藝術為復康人士開創一片新天地,他們認識了紗線,學會繞線... |
General Education Unit | Since 1995 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-01-26 19:15:56 |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for The Second Semester, 2014-2015 |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes, 2nd Semester, 2014-15 - Part III | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-01-21 16:16:30 |
GE Enrolment starts on Jan 28 (Wed). For more information on the GE website. |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes, 2nd Semester, 2014-15 - Part II | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-01-21 12:59:26 |
GE Enrolment starts on Jan 28 (Wed). For more information on the GE website. |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes, 2nd Semester, 2014-15 - Part I | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2015-01-20 14:14:21 |
GE Enrolment starts on Jan 28 (Wed). For more information on the GE website. |
GE Umbrella Series: A New Hong Kong after the Occupy Movement 「佔領」後的新香港 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-10-31 12:30:08 |
From Occupy Central to the Occupy Movement, protesters are spontaneously occupying Admiralty, Mong Kok and Causeway Bay. Prof. Joseph Wong Wing-ping, former Secretary for Civil Service, and former Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, will illustrate a New Hong Kong with keywords “democ... |
GE Presents: What's going on? Sunflower, Umbrella Movement and the Youth Rebellion 到底發生了什麼事?太陽花、雨傘運動與青年反抗 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-10-31 12:22:55 |
Speaker: Mr. Chang Tieh-chih, chief editor and co-publisher of legendary City Magazine in Hong Kong. Registration - For HKU students and staff: ; and for public: |
By All Means: Arts are for Everyone - Visual Communication Theatre and Sharing Session 八目尚賞︰藝術同參與 - 視覺溝通劇場及演後談 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-10-31 12:14:07 |
Date: 6 Nov (Thur) Time: 18:00 - 19:15 Venue: Bijas Vegetarian Restaurant, Centennial Campus, HKU Language: Cantonese, English, HK Hand Sign Language |
GE Programmes for the First Semester, 2014-2015 (Enrolment starts on:11/9/2014) | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-09-08 17:08:04 |
Enrolment Counters (10am-5pm): 11/9/14 @KKL Concourse; 12/9/14 @Lobby, G/F, Chi Wah Learning Commons; & 15/9/14 onwards @GE Office, G21, G/F, May Hall |
GE Programmes for the First Semester, 2014-2015 (Enrolment starts on:11/9/2014) | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-09-08 17:06:00 |
Enrolment Counters (10am-5pm): 11/9/14 @KKL Concourse; 12/9/14 @Lobby, G/F, Chi Wah Learning Commons; & 15/9/14 onwards @GE Office, G21, G/F, May Hall |
GE Programmes for the First Semester, 2014-2015 (Enrolment starts on:11/9/2014) | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-09-08 17:03:54 |
Enrolment Counters (10am-5pm): 11/9/14 @KKL Concourse; 12/9/14 @Lobby, G/F, Chi Wah Learning Commons; & 15/9/14 onwards @GE Office, G21, G/F, May Hall |
Rooftop Farming @ HKU | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-09-04 16:28:39 |
HKU's first rooftop farm at Runme Shaw Building. Find out more on GE website. |
GE Presents: Lost & Found (Non-Credit Bearing General Education Programmes for The First Semester, 2014 - 2015!) | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-09-02 17:58:33 |
Enrolment Counters (10am-5pm): 11/9/14 @KKL Concourse; 12/9/14 @Lobby, G/F, Chi Wah Learning Commons; & 15/9/14 onwards @GE Office, G21, G/F, May Hall |
我地 人地 文藝復興2014夏令營 Renaissance Foundation Summer Camp 2014 (Dates: July 8-13, 2014) | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-04-24 12:11:10 |
The Renaissance Foundation Summer Camp 2014 aims to develop young people's creative potential through a series of talks and workshops, and interaction with renowned guest speakers in various fields such as music, film making, literature and visual arts. (Enquiries: or 22415044) |
Policy and Support for Art and Culture | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-03-20 11:22:41 |
文化政策與創意工業支援 |
Screening: 胡士托 x 泰迪羅賓 Woodstock & Mr. Teddy Robin | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-02-28 15:48:36 |
Dating with Sylvia Chang (Part 2) 約會張艾嘉的12堂課 (下集) | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-02-07 15:31:00 |
Every Tue & Thu 逢星期二、四 |
把握機遇──CEPA十年回顧與展望 Beyond CEPA’s 10th Anniversary | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-02-07 15:30:55 |
Enrolment for non-credit bearing GE programmes | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-01-24 17:38:08 |
27 – 28/1 at Lobby, Chi Wah Learning Commons; 29/1 onwards at GE Office |
Enrolment for non-credit bearing GE programmes | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2014-01-24 16:45:46 |
27 – 28/1 at Lobby, Chi Wah Learning Commons; 29/1 onwards at GE Office |
HKU GE x JC MaD School | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2013-10-23 14:19:45 |
ChangeMakers ConFest (Oct 24-26, Thu - Sat) |
Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Performance by Grammy Award-Winning Artist | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2013-10-02 16:24:39 |
HKU GE x JC MaD School: ChangeMakers ConFest 2013 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2013-10-02 16:14:24 |
HKU GE X JC MaD School: ChangeMakers ConFest 2013 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2013-09-24 18:57:48 |
以物易物 交換心頭好 Back to the Basic Beauty of Barter System | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2013-09-19 17:35:03 |
GE X MaD Seoul Trip on creativity and social innovation | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2013-08-25 15:54:19 |
GE Summer Camp - “In Search of GLOCAL Identity” | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2013-05-13 11:26:38 |
HKU Goes Green Monday Find out more on | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2013-03-13 18:24:38 |
Documentary Screening - PAD YATRA: A Green Odyssey | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2013-02-21 18:46:18 |
SOCI X GE FEST: Media, Culture and Creative Cities | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2013-02-21 18:40:08 |
Music and Sharing by Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2012-11-08 16:39:58 |
Global Crises Local Wisdom (Upcoming GE Programmes) | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2012-09-12 18:23:41 |
Connecting Myanmar Summer Volunteer Program 2012 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2012-03-30 12:49:36 |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the First Semester, 2011-2012 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2011-09-02 16:57:42 |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the First Semester, 2011-2012 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2011-09-02 16:56:05 |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the First Semester, 2011-2012 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2011-09-02 16:54:11 |
Public Lecture: An Imagination of the New Territories | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2010-09-29 15:40:01 |
General Education Course: Frontiers of Biotechnology. An Overview of Biotechnology | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2010-09-07 12:08:50 |
Public Seminar: Contemporary Arts in Japan – A Talk on Setouchi International Art Festival 2010 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2010-05-13 17:18:33 |
A Prelude to a GE summer Programme on Backpacking: Travel for a Cause to Make a Difference | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2010-04-09 12:14:43 |
通識暑期旅遊工作坊前奏:橫渡青藏高原 A Prelude to GE Summer Programme on Backpacking: Biking Across the Tibetan Plateau | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2010-04-07 10:52:44 |