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自己幅牆自己畫之「天氣熱也要拯救地球」Let's Save Planet Earth When it's too Hot

自己幅牆自己畫之「天氣熱也要拯救地球」Let's Save Planet Earth When it's too Hot

夏日熱辣辣淨係識得吃西瓜消暑解渴?這個暑假決心離開冷氣房,與插畫師Ali 一起用畫筆在牆上畫上心繫地球的訊息,渡過一個「油牆假期」。 What better way to beat the heat in this summer than to indulge in a creative journey with a paint brush on your hand and creative ideas spilling all over the wall? Illustrator Ali will lead us in this creative process of ideas generation and artifacts collection, and paint our concerns to the planet earth onto the walls in HKU.

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 General Education Unit

 15th June, 2015

#Ali #GenEd #HKU


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