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從死看生 Searching for the Essence of Life from Death

從死看生 Searching for the Essence of Life from Death

無常隨時存在,隨時發生在每一個人身上。無論是面對自己或家人朋友的死亡,除了悲傷、R.I.P,我們還可以做甚麼?臨終、哀傷輔導和喪禮的意義又是甚麼? 兩位來自不同業界的專業人士將分享他們見盡生死的經歷和得着。 Life is unpredictable. When facing death, what can we do besides saying, "R.I.P."? What might we learn from end-of-life services and funerals? Two professionals working in the industry that faces death closely everyday will share their experiences and insights on life and death education.

 General Education Unit

 9th March, 2018

#Death #GenEd #Life


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