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大學問:梁卓偉《大醫.人生》 Hall of Wisdom: Life as a Healer by Gabriel Leung

大學問:梁卓偉《大醫.人生》 Hall of Wisdom: Life as a Healer by Gabriel Leung

梁卓偉以40歲之齡成為香港大學醫學院第40任院長,是醫學院成立以來第二年輕的院長。他當過政治任命官員,做過公共衞生醫學的大型研究。透過梁卓偉分享心路歷程以及與新一代對話,讓我們前瞻香港醫學和社會的前景,為未來困難重重的時代點起明燈。 Prof. Gabriel Leung is the 40th Dean of Medicine at HKU, making him, at 40, the second youngest ever to lead the revered medical school. He was the first Under Secretary for Food and Health and fifth Director of the Chief Executive’s Office in government. His research expertise spans a wide spectrum of the public health sciences.

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 General Education Unit

 31st August, 2018

#GabrielLeung #GenEd #HallOfWisdom #Life #healer


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