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我愛世界愛地球,所以我(不)去旅行? I (don't) go travelling because I love this world?

我愛世界愛地球,所以我(不)去旅行? I (don't) go travelling because I love this world?

究竟旅遊和保育可否共存,而我們又應以甚麼心態參與旅行?本節講座邀請首位華裔極地探險導賞員張偉賢先生,及熟悉保育議題的旅遊節目主持人梁彥宗先生,與你共談旅行和保育之間的掙扎。 Can travel and conservation coexist? And what attitude should we have while traveling?

 General Education Unit

 9th March, 2018



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Lots of Love 係愛呀!《過渡:壹日》WMA學校巡迴放映 - A Day in Transition: WMA Film Screening Tour @HKU GE Gallery Art Curator‘s Exhibition - Flowers of the Sun

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