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自強不息逆轉勝 Perseverance for a Turn-the-tables Victory

自強不息逆轉勝 Perseverance for a Turn-the-tables Victory

享受過程,才會做得好;輸,也是一個學習過程,跟勁敵對戰,可一邊向他們學習,一邊進步。漸漸,人就會學懂享受挑戰、放開贏輸,不再被挫敗和情緒打倒。保持正面的心態,只跟自己作比較,不斷追求進步,從此你就能愈戰愈勇。 The harder you fall, the stronger you become! After all, the only person to compete with is yourself, and the sweat and tears we shed build our own future success.

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 General Education Unit

 24th September, 2018

#GenEd #NgOnYee #cedarsge #snooker #worldchampion


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