S/ASH: Non-credit Bearing GE Programmes (Sem 1, 2019 - 2020) | |
Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students Uploaded on 2019-08-22 12:48:42 |
Enrolment Counters: 4 Sep (Wed) | 10:00 - 17:00 | K.K. Leung Concourse 5 Sep (Thu) onwards | 09:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 18:15 | GE Office The General Education team (GE) of CEDARS is committed to providing whole-person education and cultivating among students the breadth of knowledge, competencies,... |
《一手歌:聽城內的那雙手》預演/分享/展覽 HandiSongs: Tertiary Students' Musical Tribute to Our City's Craftspersons | |
Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students Uploaded on 2019-02-26 14:42:53 |
以音樂、文字、影像為媒介的創作計劃,鼓勵大專生走入社區,發掘及描寫手工藝人,以歌曲紀錄城市,讓我們再次看看他們的工藝,聽聽她們的故事,感受為那雙手寫的每一首歌,以此提起大專生對藝術活動的興趣和對社會的... |
一國兩制的實踐:憲制責任與人權 The Implementation of OCTS | |
Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students Uploaded on 2019-02-22 12:37:12 |
嘉賓會以法律和政治兩個角度,分析23條立法所牽涉的原則性問題、《國際人權公約》和《基本法》的關係,以及特區過去在落實《基本法》憲制責任以及推動憲制改革所遇到的困難,並探討重啟23條立法和政改的時機、條件和... |
GE New Programmes Are Out Now - "Lots of Love 係愛呀!" | |
Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students Uploaded on 2019-01-14 15:13:55 |
Themed "Lots of Love 係愛呀!", the GE programmes in the new semester will invite you to discover, or re-discover, the meaning of various forms of love. The enrolment will start on 17/1 (Thu) at K. K. Leung Concourse. Details: |
Lots of Love 係愛呀! | |
Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students Uploaded on 2019-01-11 15:13:56 |
Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the Second Semester, 2018 - 2019 Enrolment Counters: 17/1 (Thu) | 10:00 – 17:00 | K.K Leung Concourse 18/1 (Fri) onwards | 09:30 – 13:00 & 14:00 – 18:15 | GE Office, 2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building |
In the Search of ____ 橙仔的角落 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-09-24 12:31:02 |
我們早已開始探索外面的宇宙,卻愈來愈少去理會身邊的各個小宇宙。 所以就至少在當晚,讓我們待在同一個宇宙吧,由我帶頭分享我的世界。 We've long been exploring the universe, yet we almost forgot to explore those around us, inside us, within us... |
No One Turned Away: Hong Kong's Handling of the Vietnamese Boat People Crisis 1975 - 2000 | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-09-24 12:25:43 |
Carina Hoang, who herself was a Vietnamese boat person will give a comprehensive historical account of the crisis in Hong Kong, and identify lessons that can be learnt from the manner in which the Hong Kong Government handled the 25-year long ordeal. 本身是越南船民的Carina Hoang,為香港... |
自強不息逆轉勝 Perseverance for a Turn-the-tables Victory | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-09-24 12:19:49 |
享受過程,才會做得好;輸,也是一個學習過程,跟勁敵對戰,可一邊向他們學習,一邊進步。漸漸,人就會學懂享受挑戰、放開贏輸,不再被挫敗和情緒打倒。保持正面的心態,只跟自己作比較,不斷追求進步,從此你就能愈... |
展覽:一半是詩人,一半是旅人 Movie x Poem: Half Traveller, Half Poet | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-09-24 12:14:41 |
在此次展覽中,Iris為Aubrey的詩作配上影像,在文字與圖像之間展開一場耐人尋味的對話。此次展覽紀錄了兩人持續進行的跨媒介對話,也揭示出"合作",作為一種創作方式的獨特潛能。同時,通過展覽的形式,兩人的對話也邀請... |
大學問 Hall of Wisdom | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-08-31 11:37:48 |
通識與香港電台電視部自2016年起合作推出一系列《大學問》講座,深受同學及觀眾歡迎,於電視播放的《大學問》精華版在電視節目欣賞指數調查中名列頭十位。這個學期我們再接再厲,邀請不同領域獨當一面的人物,雲集大... |
F:A:C:E: Mentorship Programme | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2018-08-31 11:21:40 |
透過師友會,你可以認識來自文化藝術界的導師、志同道合的同學,互相交流啟發。而那些看似不知所措的日子,可能會帶領你看到不同的風景,讓你的人生旅途從此變得不一樣。 We may feel lost at different stages of life. However, arts an... |