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一國兩制的實踐:憲制責任與人權 The Implementation of OCTS

一國兩制的實踐:憲制責任與人權 The Implementation of OCTS

嘉賓會以法律和政治兩個角度,分析23條立法所牽涉的原則性問題、《國際人權公約》和《基本法》的關係,以及特區過去在落實《基本法》憲制責任以及推動憲制改革所遇到的困難,並探討重啟23條立法和政改的時機、條件和空間。 Our guests will talk about questions concerning the principles of the Article 23 legislation, the relationship between the International Bill of Human Rights and the Basic Law, the difficulties that the HKSAR faces in the implementation of its Basic Law constitutional duties, and the promotion of constitutional reform.

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 Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students

 22nd February, 2019

#CEDARS #Politics #cedarsge #lolatGE #octs


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