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《礦世鉅著──香港礦業史》 Hong Kong Mining History

《礦世鉅著──香港礦業史》 Hong Kong Mining History

《礦世鉅著──香港礦業史》是香港首本關於香港礦業歷史而中英並文的書,介紹香港過去數百年間曾開採過的礦場。當中,開採的礦物包括方鉛礦、黑鎢礦、磁鐵礦、石墨、綠柱石、石英、長石、高嶺土和採花崗岩。 此書將詳述這些礦場的歲月變遷、成礦原理、地理風光和本土文化,帶領讀者重溫這段或已被遺忘的歷史。 This book will take you on a journey through the geology, history, culture, and development of these mines and quarries, allowing you to understand this once thriving and now forgotten industry of Hong Kong.

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 General Education Unit

 24th September, 2015



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