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From HK to Geneva - Screening and Sharing 從香港到日內瓦 - 放映及分享會

From HK to Geneva - Screening and Sharing 從香港到日內瓦 - 放映及分享會

港大通識與平等機會事務處合作,放映紀錄片《從香港到日內瓦》,並邀請片中組織卓新力量的成員分享他們自1995年成立以來參加《聯合國殘疾人權利公約》聽證會、舉辦街坊法律公約工作坊以及其他有趣經歷。 GE is joining Equal Opportunity Festival 2016 with screening of From HK to Geneva, followed by a sharing session with members of Chosen Power on attending the hearing of UN's Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, street law projects and other interesting stories since 1995.

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 General Education Unit

 3rd November, 2016

#Festival #GenEd #Geneva #Law


Suggested Posters

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