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'Like a Boss': Life is a marathon

'Like a Boss': Life is a marathon

王利民先生為康宏金融控股有限公司主席。王先生一直喜歡創新求變,熱衷參加各類本地及國際馬拉松賽事,如撒哈拉沙漠和北極馬拉松,更是歷來首名衝線南極100公里超級馬拉松的香港人。 究竟馬拉松如何影響他的人生?王先生將分享他的獨特故事、公司管理經營哲學及其「7+2+1」目標。 Mr. Quincy Wong is the Chairman of Convoy Financial Holdings Limited. Mr. Wong, who is the first Hong Kong contestant in history to cross the finish line of Antarctic 100K ultra race, will share his unusual story and valuable experience with you.

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 General Education Unit

 18th September, 2015

#Chairman #GenEd #LikeABoss #Marathon #QuincyWong


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