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日本陶藝與大眾心靈的慰藉 Healing the Hearts: Ceramic Arts and Social Therapy in Japan

日本陶藝與大眾心靈的慰藉 Healing the Hearts: Ceramic Arts and Social Therapy in Japan

2011年「3.11大地震」後,日本社會人心惶惶,為了令大眾重拾對未來的憧憬,一群陶藝家將藝術重新定義,以自己的作品連繫地震災民的心靈。 自此,陶藝家成立「食器之力量」活動,在連續幾次天災後,為海嘯地區的災民提供物質及精神上的支援。 After the 3.11 Earthquake in 2011, Japanese society was awash with uncertainty and fear. In response, a group of Japanese ceramists redefined the meaning of arts, and used their art pieces to connect the hearts of the community. Since then, the artists started the project named âThe Power of Ceramicsâ.

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 General Education Unit

 10th February, 2017

#Art #Ceramic #Earthquake #GenEd #Japan


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