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唱出自己的歌 - 中國搖滾三十 vs 台灣民歌四十 Sing Our Own Song - 30 Years of China's Rock vs. 40 Years of Taiwanese Folk

唱出自己的歌 - 中國搖滾三十 vs 台灣民歌四十 Sing Our Own Song - 30 Years of China's Rock vs. 40 Years of Taiwanese Folk

三十年中國搖滾,不長不短,有輝煌也有低谷,有傳奇也有非議,曾懷着一腔熱血要改變世界的那些人去哪了?《少年心氣》採訪了崔健、汪峰、鄭鈞等 20 多位中國搖滾音樂代表人物,個個口沒遮攔,力求一吐爲快,掀起前所未有的反思與疾呼。中國搖滾三十年,滿懷少年心氣,一切似乎剛剛開始。 The birth of China's Rock 'n' Roll in the 80s was a history not too long ago. The pioneers with warmth and simplicity who wanted to change the world, where are they now?

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 General Education Unit

 24th February, 2017

#China #GenEd #Song #Taiwan


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