Exhibition: Beauty and Treasures | |
University Libraries Uploaded on 2022-11-16 10:35:29 |
Block-printed Editions of the Song Dynasty |
Schubert’s Song Cycles with Ian Bostridge & Saskia Giorgini | |
Cultural Management Office Uploaded on 2019-04-18 12:43:55 |
Celebrated tenor Ian Bostridge was joined by pianist Saskia Giorgini, presenting the Schubert's monumental song cycles, Die schöne Müllerin and Winterreise. |
Schubert‘s Song Cycles with Ian Bostridge & Saskia Giorgini | |
Cultural Management Office Uploaded on 2019-01-08 18:10:08 |
Widely recognized as one of today‘s finest interpreters of Franz Schubert, celebrated tenor Ian Bostridge is joined by pianist Saskia Giorgini at HKU, presenting the composer’s monumental song cycles, Die schÃne MÃllerin and Winterreise. Through their soul-searing, poetic l... |
唱出自己的歌 - 中國搖滾三十 vs 台灣民歌四十 Sing Our Own Song - 30 Years of China's Rock vs. 40 Years of Taiwanese Folk | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-24 16:24:33 |
三十年中國搖滾,不長不短,有輝煌也有低谷,有傳奇也有非議,曾懷着一腔熱血要改變世界的那些人去哪了?《少年心氣》採訪了崔健、汪峰、鄭鈞等 20 多位中國搖滾音樂代表人物,個個口沒遮攔,力求一吐爲快,掀起前所... |
八、九十年代的華語流行曲與社會 Chinese Pop Songs and Society in the 80s-90s | |
General Education Unit Uploaded on 2017-02-10 16:46:15 |
兩岸三地於八、九十年代經歷各種社會動盪,由封閉邁向開放繁榮,同時對未來感到不安焦慮。回顧此特別時刻的時代曲,尋找當年建構三地身分的線索,或許能啟發我們理解一些現今的矛盾。 In this session, Chinese pop songs in mainla... |