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美國:反戰、學運、民權50週年 US: 50th Anniversary of Anti-war, Student, and Civil Rights Movements

美國:反戰、學運、民權50週年 US: 50th Anniversary of Anti-war, Student, and Civil Rights Movements

1960年代的美國社會波瀾壯闊,反戰、女權、性解放、黑人民權、學生運動等匯成洶湧澎湃的激進洪流,勢不可擋。50年後怎麼看那激情歲月? 本沙龍是「港大──龍應台文化迴廊」的第一場。 1968 was one of the most consequential and tumultuous years in the American experience - with opposition to the Vietnam war, the rise of feminism, a new sexual freedom, Black Lives Matter activism, and student movements. This is the first salon of the "HKU - Lung Yingtai Cultural Concourse" series.

 General Education Unit

 23rd February, 2018

#Anniversary #GenEd #History #LungYingtai #america


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