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盧凱彤 枕邊絮語 - 走過躁鬱 瞥見曙光 Pillow Talk with Ellen Loo

盧凱彤 枕邊絮語 - 走過躁鬱 瞥見曙光 Pillow Talk with Ellen Loo

盧凱彤為本港著名音樂人。多年來,她的音樂才華和魅力為她帶來不少知音人。盧凱彤開始個人獨立發展,卻發現自己受到精神和情緒問題困擾,令她的事業於2014年一度停頓。經過一年的重新調整和藥物治療,盧凱彤漸漸走出陰霾,踏上康復之路。經此一役,盧凱彤重新認識自己和自己的音樂。 Ellen Joyce Loo is a well-known Hong Kong based singer songwriter. After a year of recalibration and medical treatment, Ellen has picked herself up. This journey to recovery has helped Ellen discover more about her art, and most importantly, about herself.

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 General Education Unit

 9th October, 2015

#EllenLoo #GenEd


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