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Where Next for University Governance?

Where Next for University Governance?

校園內外,圍繞大學管治的爭議聲不絕於耳。學術自由和院校自主受《基本法》明文保障,但有人形容兩者正受空前的衝擊。本論壇無法提供解決難題的良方,但我們相信,誰也不能置身事外,唯有直面討論大學管治的挑戰和前路,才找到下一步。 Debates over university governance are widely seen, be it here in HKU or other campuses. Some regard academic freedom and institutional autonomy, which are guaranteed under the Basic Law, as being under unprecedented threat.

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 General Education Unit

 1st February, 2016

#Academic #GenEd #HKU #Law #UniversityGovernance


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