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[GE Talk] Cultural Leadership in Performing Arts: In Dialogue with Alison M. Friedman

[GE Talk] Cultural Leadership in Performing Arts: In Dialogue with Alison M. Friedman

Prior to joining the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority as Artistic Director, Ms. Alison M. Friedman founded the cultural exchange organisation Ping Pong Productions (PPP) in 2010 after studying as a Fulbright scholar at the Department of History in Peking University and the Beijing Dance Academy in Mainland China between 2002 and 2003. In this talk, Ms. Friedman will share her artistic journey and perspective on HK's art scene.

 General Education Unit

 23rd February, 2018

#GenEd #culturalleadership #hkartscene #westkowloonculturaldistrict


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