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GE 20 大講堂:邊陲香港──佔領之後的掙扎 Hong Kong’s Struggle as the Periphery in the Post-Occupy Era

GE 20 大講堂:邊陲香港──佔領之後的掙扎 Hong Kong’s Struggle as the Periphery in the Post-Occupy Era

文化評論員梁文道於2011年親臨港大,在中山廣場與同學剖析香港作為邊陲地帶的尷尬與掙扎。那時誰也料不到,香港會出現2014年那些過萬人佔領夏愨道、旺角和銅鑼灣的畫面,此後香港的掙扎有增無減。遊走於兩岸三地之間的梁文道,將與學聯前秘書長周永康對話,一同思索香港的前路。 Through a dialogue with Mr. Alex Chow, Former Secretary-General of Hong Kong Federation of Students, Cultural critic Mr. Leung Man Tao will discuss the city's struggle as the periphery in the post-occupy era, and the way forward.

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 General Education Unit

 9th October, 2015

#AlexChow #GenEd #HongKongFederationOfStudents #LeungManTao


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