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Crowdfunding: Music Entrepreneurship and Creative Empowerment

Crowdfunding: Music Entrepreneurship and Creative Empowerment

Chet Lam, Hong Kong singer-songwriter/music entrepreneur will come to HKU GE and share his routes of the music startup and his brand new venture, Music Bee - a music crowdfunding platform. 網上集資 (crowdfunding) 是當下的熱門關鍵詞,您有沒有想過或者試過出錢投資自己或者別人出唱片和搞音樂會?今日,實現這些夢想,不再是天文數字,可能只要數百數千元,便可集腋成裘。 數碼科技、社交網絡對音樂文化帶來甚麼新的可能性;數碼充權 (digital empowerment) 對於樂迷、音樂人、創業人、年輕人、文青、buskers 、indie bands 等不同群組,又有甚麼啓示? 唱作人/音樂創業家林一峰,將現身港大通識,分享他的音樂創業藍圖和最新音樂平台 Music Bee。

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 General Education Unit

 16th February, 2015

#ChetLam #Crowdfunding #Entrepreneurship #GenEd #HKU #MusicBee #Startup


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