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Science Meets Art: Dancing with the 'God Particle'  科學與藝術:舞動「上帝粒子」

Science Meets Art: Dancing with the 'God Particle' 科學與藝術:舞動「上帝粒子」

科學和藝術就像兩個風馬牛不相及的平行世界,但科學家與藝術家時刻都在實驗,把想像變為現實,影響世界。在全球最大的粒子物理學實驗室CERN,一眾藝術家以他們的方式揭示尋找「上帝粒子」之旅。 At the world's largest particle physics laboratory CERN, a group of filmmakers and dance artists took an exceptional journey to reveal the discovery of the God Particle.

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 General Education Unit

 29th September, 2016

#CERN #Dance #GenEd #GodParticle #ScienceMeetsArt


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