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Refugee Run 走進難民的世界

Refugee Run 走進難民的世界

Persecution, war, and massacre seem far from our daily lives in Hong Kong and we only hear about them through the news. In this talk, representative from UNHCR will share the first-hand information and experiences about growing threats around the world. 幸福並非必然。全球局勢動盪戰亂頻仍,現時全球共有5 120萬人被迫流離失所,是二次世界大戰後首見。「伊斯蘭國」以驚人速度擴張版圖,伊波拉病毒肆虐,戰火,迫害,許多人因而被迫逃離家鄉,在異地漂泊,過着沒有身份、沒有自由的生活。 聯合國難民署代表將分享於難民營的所見所聞,讓身處香港這個安穩城市的你走進難民的世界,關注國際議題。

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 General Education Unit

 18th March, 2015

#GenEd #RefugeeRun #UNHCR


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