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重組香港流行文化 Reassembling Hong Kong Popular Culture

重組香港流行文化 Reassembling Hong Kong Popular Culture

兩位同樣着緊香港的學者吳俊雄與馬傑偉,自通識教育部成立以來籌辦多個課程,與學生邊講流行文化邊尋找「香港人」。廿年過去,是時候溫故知新,重組再出發。 Dr. C. H. Ng and Prof. Eric Ma, scholars on popular culture and media studies, will scrutinise the trends and threads of various cultural phenomena and development in Hong Kong.

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 General Education Unit

 28th October, 2015

#CulturalPhenomena #GenEd


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Lots of Love 係愛呀!《過渡:壹日》WMA學校巡迴放映 - A Day in Transition: WMA Film Screening Tour @HKU GE Gallery Art Curator‘s Exhibition - Flowers of the Sun

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