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Happy 2gether - One One Weaving Workshop

Happy 2gether - One One Weaving Workshop

Weavers from St. James' Settlement Rehabilitation Services will share their techniques and talents in weaving art and teach us to create a piece of artsy textile with the handy tool 'one one weave'. 紡織藝術為復康人士開創一片新天地,他們認識了紗線,學會繞線、穿扣、拖線,用創意織出一幅幅色彩艷麗的作品。這批復康人士將到港大擔任是次工作坊的助理紡織師傅,向參加者傳授編織法,讓你開懷地創作獨一無二的作品。 Registration: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?ueid=35462

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 General Education Unit

 16th February, 2015

#GenEd #Happy2gether #Weaving #Workshop


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