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華麗與黑暗之間-杜琪峯的光影世界 Between Glamour and Darkness - Johnnie To's Cinematic World

華麗與黑暗之間-杜琪峯的光影世界 Between Glamour and Darkness - Johnnie To's Cinematic World

香港著名導演杜琪峯以極具個人風格的警匪、江湖片揚名國際影壇,但在黑色與冷峻之外,杜Sir也有不少賣座都市愛情作品如《單身男女》,最新作品《華麗上班族》更是其首部3-D歌舞片。講座中,杜Sir將與影評人登徒大談他的光影世界,如何以故事和鏡頭描寫社會眾生相。 In this talk, Director To and film critic Mr. Thomas Shin will talk about his first 3-D musical film Office, and the different facets of his cinematic world.

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 General Education Unit

 11th September, 2015

#GenEd #JohnnieTo #ThomasShin


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