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當代中國紀錄片系列:與導演面對面-《種植人生》Contemporary Chinese Documentary Series: Meet the Director (Sep 22)

當代中國紀錄片系列:與導演面對面-《種植人生》Contemporary Chinese Documentary Series: Meet the Director (Sep 22)

影片講述都市白領老賈放棄城市生活,來到上海的崇明島,包下兩百多畝地,回歸田園,摒棄農藥化肥,以自然農法為種植理念。這吸引了一大批對農村田園生活有美好憧憬的城市仰慕者,同時吸引了妻子尚英與他一起來到農村,開始了自然的農耕生活。但最終老賈離開了農場,此時尚英的父親亦不幸離世,生命裡最重要的兩個男人皆離她而去。回首這段夫唱婦隨的田園時光裡,有種子的培育、有生命的誕生、有稻穀的豐收,也有愛情的背叛,最後還有人生的步履不停。 This film is about a young man who abandoned metropolitan life in persuit of safe food, natural farming, and true nature of love and life. Old Jia was a white-collar worker in Shanghai who gave up his city life and returned to live on the idyllic Chongming Island. He contracted more than 200 acres of land, adopting “natural farming” techniques to grow crops without using any chemical pesticides or fertilizers. His wife Li Zi, persuaded by the cause, followed him to begin a new life surrounded by nature. His attitude and philosophy attracted a big group of admirers from the city, whereas local villagers found his approaches disagreeable. When Old Jia finally left and looked back this part of his life, he saw the germination of seeds, the birth of new life, the harvest of crops, and the betrayal of love.

 HK Institute for Humanities & Soc. Sci.

 26th August, 2016

#ChineseDocumentary #GROW #Germination #HKIHSS #NaturalFarming


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