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The Future of Trade Finance: Opportunities for Hong Kong, Asia and the World
Asia Global Institute
Uploaded on 2022-01-11 16:05:10
Against this backdrop, the Advisory Group on Trade Finance, formed by the International Chamber of Commerce in 2020, proposes a new vision for trade finance built around accessibility for SMEs, digitization and global interoperability. The technology exists to overhaul how trade finance works and ma...
HKU DLA Public Lecture: "Ecosystem Service: Spatial Heterogeneity, Anisotropic Flows, and Landscape Planning / Design Implications"
Dept of Architecture
Uploaded on 2021-03-25 17:58:58
8 April 2021 (Thursday) 1pm - 2pm Via Zoom Meeting ID: 910 5815 7948 Password: 015728
Building a Thriving Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Centre for Civil Society & Governance
Uploaded on 2020-11-30 18:02:58
A signature public event for the Social Innovations for Sustainable Communities initiated by the Centre for Civil Society and Governance at the University of Hong Kong. The event will be first-of-its-kind in Hong Kong, featuring interactive dialogues between the incubators and social innovators faci...
Evolutions of Tropical Deep-water Ecosystem
Registry (CPAO)
Uploaded on 2018-08-17 10:28:07
A HKU study of the effects of deep-sea water contribution in the western tropical Pacific.
Urban Agriculture in Hong Kong and Belgium
General Education Unit
Uploaded on 2016-10-27 13:04:21
With the rapid urbanisation worldwide, agriculture was once taken away from peopleâs daily life. But in the recent decade, agriculture has been brought to the city in different forms, such as rooftop farms, edible landscapes, community gardens, hydroponics and aquaponics, etc. Most of these ur...
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