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CEDARS CoPE - Counselling and Psychological Services
Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students
Uploaded on 2020-11-10 16:18:50
Counselling and Psychological Services at CoPE is a free support service for all current HKU students. All our counsellors are qualified professionals. You will have an opportunity to talk about issues of your concern in a safe and private environment. Your information will be kept strictly confiden...
SEN Awareness Raising: Peer Social Coach
Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students
Uploaded on 2020-11-06 14:35:55
Social skills may come naturally to most people, but for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other communication difficulties, it could take additional effort for them to acquire the skills. Watch this video to learn more about the Social Skills Enhancement Workshop with peers as Social Coa...
ArtCorridor at Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre
Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Ctr (CEDARS)
Uploaded on 2020-11-04 11:54:49
Visit ArtCorridor at Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre for the creative and stunning final art pieces!
The U-Vision Video Composer service has been retired. HKU staff and students are eligible to use TechSmith Camtasia with site license for offline video editing. More details in ITS website: https://moodle-support.hku.hk/camtasia-site-license-staff-and-students
