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DIY Workstations@TIPS
Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative
Uploaded on 2018-10-12 16:45:26
HKU students & teachers can book free of charge. For booking and more info, please go to https://hku.to/tips
Students' Experience on DIY Workstations@TIPS
Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative
Uploaded on 2018-10-12 16:11:55
The DIY Workstation drastically simplifies the video production workflow, eliminating time-consuming steps. The end result is a studio experience that requires minimum of time and effort. HKU student can book our DIY workstations free of charge. For booking and more info, please go to https://hku.to...
The U-Vision Video Composer service has been retired. HKU staff and students are eligible to use TechSmith Camtasia with site license for offline video editing. More details in ITS website: https://moodle-support.hku.hk/camtasia-site-license-staff-and-students
