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Social Networks and Health: Measurement, Contagion, and Interventions
Social Sciences Faculty
Uploaded on 2023-05-08 11:06:57
In this seminar, Dr An Weihua will provide a high-level overview of his three research projects on social networks and health. Including: 1. How to combine peer-reports and self-reports to provide a more accurate measurement of sensitive behaviors 2. Peer effects in social networks 3. Multilevel met...
Agent-based Simulation Modelling
Social Sciences Faculty
Uploaded on 2022-12-05 12:30:48
This seminar will share experience designing agent-based modelling for food security and COVID-19 by Dr. Peter Koh from the Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong.
Which Hierarchy Matters? Subjective Social Status, Status Incongruence and Well-being among High-skilled Mainland Migrants in Hong Kong
Social Sciences Faculty
Uploaded on 2022-07-13 15:33:12
You are cordially invited to join us for the lecture series initiated by the Contemporary China Research Cluster, The Greater Bay Area Lecture Series: Which Hierarchy Matters? Subjective Social Status, Status Incongruence and Well-being among High-skilled Mainland Migrants in Hong Kong.
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