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From Independence to Post-conflict: a Modern History of Phnom Penh's White Building
Dept of Architecture
Uploaded on 2021-10-07 11:55:36
Zoom details: URL: https://hku.zoom.us/j/94178183141?pwd=TDFkRTBxUldzZWVOc0did3RDd09CQT09 Meeting ID: 941 7818 3141 Password: 557561
Conflict of Fundamental Rights and the Double Proportionality Test
Law Faculty
Uploaded on 2019-09-11 11:32:02
In this lecture, the Hon Mr Justice Cheung PJ will examine the nature and limitations of the proportionality test, discuss situations where a conflict of fundamental rights may arise, explore the reasons why sometimes such situations are not recognised, and suggest how the double proportionality tes...
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