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Saw Swee Hock Public Lecture on 'Deriving Transportable Knowledge with Multi-institutional Electronic Health Records Data' by Tianxi CAI,ScD
Dept of Statistics & Actuarial Science
Uploaded on 2022-08-11 23:21:15
The growing availability of electronic health records (EHR) data opens up opportunities for biomedical research that improves patient care. Generalizable knowledge can be derived from multi-institutional EHR data. Transporting EHR-driven algorithms across healthcare systems, however, is highly chall...
Science Distinguished Lecture: Characterising Genetic Basis of Complex Traits by Prof. Hongyu ZHAO
Science Faculty
Uploaded on 2021-05-24 12:02:36
In this lecture, Professor Hongyu ZHAO will first introduce a statistical model that is commonly used to characterise the genetic contributions to complex traits and its robustness to model misspecifications. He will then describe its extensions to identify relevant tissues/cell types for a specific...
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