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SEN Awareness Raising: HEaRT@cafe330
Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students
Uploaded on 2020-11-10 16:05:51
Find out more about the HEaRT@cafe330 service under the SEN Peer Impact Network!
SEN Awareness Raising: Peer Social Coach
Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students
Uploaded on 2020-11-06 14:35:55
Social skills may come naturally to most people, but for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other communication difficulties, it could take additional effort for them to acquire the skills. Watch this video to learn more about the Social Skills Enhancement Workshop with peers as Social Coa...
SEN Awareness Raising: Voice Protection
Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students
Uploaded on 2020-11-04 16:23:20
We use our voices all the time - attending tutorials, having job interviews or chatting with friends. Get some tips from this video on how to keep your voice healthy! This video is under the video series of "SEN Awareness Raising" that enhances your awareness of Special Educational Needs (SEN) and/ ...
The U-Vision Video Composer service has been retired. HKU staff and students are eligible to use TechSmith Camtasia with site license for offline video editing. More details in ITS website: https://moodle-support.hku.hk/camtasia-site-license-staff-and-students
