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JC-WISE Documentary "Let the Rivers Run - Reconnecting to our city's river" 賽馬會惜水‧識河計劃 - 紀錄片《如・河活下去 - 重繫市區的河流》
Social Sciences Faculty
Uploaded on 2022-01-27 17:16:50
In recent years, the Drainage Services Department has revitalised channelised, urban rivers by adding green and ecological protection elements in an effort to restore the natural environment destroyed by channelisation. Aside from that, what are the social benefits of river revitalisation projects? ...
The U-Vision Video Composer service has been retired. HKU staff and students are eligible to use TechSmith Camtasia with site license for offline video editing. More details in ITS website: https://moodle-support.hku.hk/camtasia-site-license-staff-and-students
