Academic Advising Support for You at HKU | |
Registry - Acad Advis & Scholar Office Uploaded on 2023-08-10 10:26:18 |
HKUL SEN Support Services | |
University Libraries Uploaded on 2022-12-06 12:50:21 |
Check out our SEN Support Services on this LibGuide! |
The Equal Opportunity Festival 2022, with the theme "Support Inclusion", will be held from October 10 to November 30, 2022 | |
Equal Opportunity Unit Uploaded on 2022-09-29 09:49:03 |
The Equal Opportunity Festival 2022 will be held from October 10 to November 30, 2022. A series of events, including talks, sharing sessions, training, music, exhibition, and competition, will be organised during the Festival to promote awareness on equal opportunity among students and colleagues. C... |
Intro to Communication Support Services (CSS) | |
Centre for Applied English Studies Uploaded on 2022-09-02 10:25:03 |
Communication Support Services from CAES is here to provide you with free English language and digital media support for UGC-funded students! Watch this video for a detailed overview of our services and how to use them. You can book now at |
Online Parent Talks 網上家長講座 - 孩子之才華發展系列 | |
Ctr for Adv't in Inclusive & Special Edu Uploaded on 2022-06-29 10:53:01 |
16/7/2022 (Sat) 10:00-12:00 Supporting the young talented learners: Meaning, Identification, Service & Readiness Speaker | Ms. Jo Ng 支援年幼學生的才華發展︰意義、識別、服務及準備 講者 | 吳文潔女士 |
Symposium on Online Text-based Emotional Support Services in Hong Kong | |
Social Sciences Faculty Uploaded on 2022-06-28 14:47:54 |
Exoskeleton Paraplegic Walkathon on 16 Oct | |
Dept of Orthop & Traumatol, SClinMed Uploaded on 2021-10-08 10:32:12 |
16 Oct (Sat) 10:30-11:30am Live Streaming on Facebook |