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「headwind 迎風」online service
Dept of Psychiatry, SClinMed
Uploaded on 2020-12-04 17:21:39
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Mental Wellness Seminar on Meta-analyses of Psychological Interventions: the Next Generation (September 28, 3:00pm)
Social Sciences Faculty
Uploaded on 2020-08-21 11:20:34
In the past four decades, more than 7500 randomized trials have examined the effects of psychological treatments of adult depression, more than 400 have examined the effects of therapies for anxiety disorders, and hundreds of other trials have focused on the effects on other mental health problems. ...
Mental Wellness Seminar on Internet-based Interventions for Common Mental Disorders: Opportunities and Challenges (August 27, 3:00pm)
Social Sciences Faculty
Uploaded on 2020-08-10 15:22:46
It is well-established that internet interventions are effective in the treatment of common mental disorders. Professor Cuijpers will give an overview of what is known about the effects of internet-based interventions and the effects are comparable to those of face-to-face therapies. He will also go...
Enhancing Emotional Resilience in Chinese Families in Hong Kong: Evidence-Based Intervention Approaches 【精神健康研討會】怎樣提升家庭成員的情緒抗逆能力:三個實証為本的輔導介入手法
Social Sciences Faculty
Uploaded on 2020-06-16 19:19:40
JC JoyAge International Symposium on Promoting Mental Wellbeing in Ageing Communities: Policy, Practice, and Public Awareness
Social Sciences Faculty
Uploaded on 2019-06-12 16:11:55
Public Talk: Genes, Stress and Mental Health 公開講座;基因和壓力對心理健康的影響
Social Sciences Faculty
Uploaded on 2019-03-19 11:01:01
Public Talk: Genes, Stress and Mental Health 公開講座;基因和壓力對心理健康的影響
Public Talk: Sleep and Health - What do we know? 公開講座;睡眠與健康-我們知多少?
Social Sciences Faculty
Uploaded on 2019-03-19 10:58:22
Public Talk: Sleep and Health - What do we know? 公開講座;睡眠與健康-我們知多少?
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