KE Lunch Meeting: Producing Shared Discoveries | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2018-03-12 14:42:16 |
Speaker: Professor Adam Seth Levine, Associate Professor, Department of Government, Cornell University |
KE Lunch Meeting: Embedding Impact into Project Design | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2018-01-18 16:41:10 |
Speaker: Dr Jennifer Hendry, Associate Professor, School of Law, Director, Centre for Law and Social Justice, University of Leeds |
KE Lunch Meeting: Knowledge Exchange Strategies: Engaging with Diverse Publics | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2017-12-11 16:53:55 |
KE Lunch Meeting: Inreach, Outreach, Dissemination and Engagement | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2017-11-21 17:27:41 |
Professor Robin Wallace, Dean, International, College of Science and Engineering, Chair in Renewable Energy Systems, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh |
KE Lunch Meeting: Raising the Public Profile of University Research | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2017-10-16 17:28:45 |
Mr Barry Taylor, former Director of Communications and Marketing, University of Bristol |
KE Lunch Meeting: Improving Livability in Ageing Hong Kong | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2017-09-27 09:51:47 |
Professor Rebecca Lai Har Chiu, Head, Department of Urban Planning and Design |
KE Lunch Meeting: Review of Animal Welfare Legislation in Hong Kong | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2017-01-26 15:59:37 |
by Ms Amanda Whitfort Associate Professor, Department of Professional Legal Education |
KE Lunch Meeting: Commercialization of HKU Inventions and Knowhows | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2016-10-24 10:49:11 |
Dr Andrew Chan, Senior Business Manager (Biotechnology), Technology Transfer Office; Mr Matchy Ma, Senior Business Manager (Engineering & Science), Technology Transfer Office, The University of Hong Kong |
KE Lunch Meeting: Patent Application Process at HKU | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2016-10-17 15:33:58 |
Speaker: Ms Eliza Kung, Senior Legal Counsel, Technology Transfer Office |
KE Lunch Meeting: Resources for Interpreting: A Website for Sharing | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2016-09-27 09:46:00 |
Dr Eva N.S. NG, Assistant Professor, School of Chinese |
KE Lunch: Allowing the Public to Engage with Our Research | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2016-05-12 12:05:10 |
by Professor Damien Walmsley, Professor of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham, Scientific Advisor to the British Dental Association |
KE Lunch Meeting: Knowledge Exchange on War, Terrorism, and Torture? | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2016-04-12 11:54:11 |
by Dr Uwe Steinhoff, Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration |
KE Lunch: Research Matters: Raising Profile, Enhancing Citation Scores, and Sparking Interest with the Media and General Public | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2016-03-01 10:17:38 |
by Dr Jason R. Ali, Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences |
KE Lunch Meeting: When Fundraising is NOT about Money... Engage, Empower and Impact - an experiment in festive times | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2016-01-06 14:33:53 |
by Professor Bernadette Tsui Director, Development & Alumni Affairs Office; Honorary Professor of Practice, Faculty of Social Sciences |
KE Lunch Meeting: Contract Research Agreements | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2015-11-10 16:00:12 |
by Ms Eliza Kung, Senior Legal Counsel, Technology Transfer Office, The University of Hong Kong |
KE Lunch Meeting: More than a brilliant idea, more than enthusiasm - Setting up a non-profit social enterprise to initiate change in society | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2015-10-13 10:52:50 |
by Mr David Bishop, Principal Lecturer, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong |
KE Lunch: Communicating and Engaging with Policy Makers (Experience of the Policy Institute at King's College London) | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2015-09-09 10:23:43 |
by Dr Saba Hinrichs-Krapels, Senior Research Fellow, The Policy Institute at King's, King's College London |
KE Lunch: Briefing Session for Impact Project Funding of the KE Funding Exercise 2015/16 | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2015-04-29 12:36:54 |
by Professor John Bacon-Shone, Associate Director, Knowledge Exchange Office |
KE lunch meeting - Commercialization of HKU Inventions and Knowhows | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2015-03-20 17:03:28 |
Speakers: Dr Andrew Chan, Senior Business Manager (Biotechnology) & Mr Matchy Ma, Senior Business Manager (Engineering & Science) from Technology Transfer Office, The University of Hong Kong |
KE lunch meeting - Patent Application Process at HKU | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2015-03-20 16:52:18 |
by Ms Eliza Kung, Senior Legal Counsel, Technology Transfer Office, The University of Hong Kong |
KE lunch meeting - Promoting Teaching and Learning of Chinese for Non-native Learners Locally, Regionally and Internationally | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2014-11-07 16:14:20 |
Speakers: Prof. Shek-kam TSE, Director of Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education & Research (CACLER) under the Faculty of Education; Dr Mark Shiu-kee SHUM, Head of Division of Chinese Language & Literature, Faculty of Education; Dr Elizabeth Ka-yee LOH, Assistant Professor, Fac... |
KE Lunch Meeting: Life and Death Education through the HKU Body Donation Programme | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2014-10-09 12:19:00 |
by Dr Lap Ki CHAN, Associate Professor, Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education & Department of Anatomy |
KE Lunch Meeting: Interdisciplinary Collaboration between Medical Professionals and Sociolinguists | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2014-09-10 12:10:03 |
by Dr Olga Zayts Assistant Professor, School of English. Date: September 22, 2014 (Monday); Time: 1:00 - 2:00 pm; Venue: Room P6-03, Graduate House |
Briefing Session for the Impact Project Funding Scheme of the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Funding Exercise 2014/15 | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2014-04-16 17:42:59 |
Knowledge Exchange (KE) Lunch Meeting |
KE Lunch Seminars - ORCiD to Make Your Research Unique | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2013-12-06 11:10:18 |
KE Lunch Meeting - Experience working with TVB and Media | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2013-04-19 10:54:19 |
KE lunch seminar - Bridging Communities - Taiping Bridge Renovation Project | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2013-04-08 12:33:09 |
KE lunch meeting: Earnings Mobility in Hong Kong | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2012-11-26 13:44:51 |
KE Lunch Meeting: Empowering Teachers and Frontline Professionals on Reading and Writing Difficulties | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2012-11-07 13:38:08 |
KE Lunch Meeting: Development of a New WHO Guideline on Ventilation for Better Infection Control in Hospitals | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2012-10-15 16:45:27 |
KE Lunch Meeting: Mindmap - An e-Platform Engaging the Community to Suicide Prevention | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2011-05-23 17:23:21 |
KE Lunch Meeting: New Technologies for Knowledge Exchange - From Web to Mobile Apps +... | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2011-04-29 17:22:09 |
KE Lunch Meeting: New ITSP Application Forms and Assessment Framework | |
Knowledge Exchange Office Uploaded on 2011-04-04 17:27:11 |