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Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong Annual Conference 2015
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2015-01-26 17:08:08
You are cordially invited to participate in the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Education and the 20th anniversary of the Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC)! The keynote speech for this occasion will be held in the Rayson Huang Theatre at 15:00, Saturday, 7 February, ...
Seminar: Multicultural Education: Comparing Policies for Marginalized Groups in Canada and Israel
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2013-09-11 11:39:33
HKU Research Videos – Comparative Research on Shadow Education
Registry (Research Services)
Uploaded on 2013-06-28 16:59:43
featuring Prof. Mark Bray, Chair Professor of Comparative Education in the Comparative Education Research Centre
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2013-06-14 17:47:03
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2012-10-24 12:00:05
Seminar: Constructing and Decoding the Field: Discursive Network Analysis of Comparative Education Texts
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2012-10-24 11:55:30
Congratulations to Professor Mark Bray on his new appointment as the UNESCO Chair in Comparative Education
Uploaded on 2012-05-23 19:01:46
CERC Roundtable - UNESCO's Education Sector: Priorities and Strategies
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2012-05-14 12:05:31
Launch Ceremony for the UNESCO Chair in Comparative Education
Education Faculty
Uploaded on 2012-04-27 12:23:36
Seminar: Partnerships for EFA: Exploring a Possibility for Experiential Learning
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2012-04-17 17:12:28
Seminar: Language Policy Research in Historical and Comparative Perspective
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2012-04-17 11:34:12
Seminar - Comparative and International Education: What’s in a Name?
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2012-02-21 11:01:34
Seminar - Taking Targets to Task Revisited: How Indicators of Progress on Access to Education can Mislead
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2012-02-21 10:52:44
Seminar - Recruiting students from China: Taiwan’s policies and dilemmas faced
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2012-02-15 15:42:12
Seminar: Linguistic capital: Continuity and change in educational language policies for ethnic Koreans in China and South Asians in Hong Kong
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2012-01-30 17:36:50
Seminar: Students' private work in mathematics classrooms in Sweden, Philippines and Japan
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2011-10-06 12:10:47
Seminar: Critical Dilemmas in the Post Colony: A Review of Universities and Change in South Africa
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2011-09-19 19:37:37
The Work of UNESCO and its International Institue for Educational Planning (IIEP)
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2011-09-09 11:38:25
Seminar: Privatization of Public Education in Cambodia
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2011-08-23 11:30:59
Seminar: African Studies in China
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2011-08-23 11:27:24
Can diversity in higher education be maintained under the pressure of global ranking systems?
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2011-06-17 11:43:35
Seminar - PISA in Shanghai: Context, Findings and Policy Implications
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2011-05-25 10:35:15
Seminar: Armed Conflict and Education: UNESCO's EFA Monitoring Report and Perspectives from Guinea
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2011-03-25 11:46:15
Seminar on Scholarly Publishing, Knowledge Mobility and Internationalisation of Chinese Universities
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2010-10-07 10:56:41
Seminar on Master Teachers and the Development of World-Class Talent in Different Performance Domains
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2010-09-29 16:32:21
Seminar on TVET and Globalisation
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2010-09-27 18:22:41
Seminar on Globalization of Education
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2010-09-27 16:51:21
Seminar Poster
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2010-09-15 19:10:02
Seminar poster
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2010-09-15 19:00:01
Seminar - Language choice in complex multilingual settings: A minority's perspective
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2010-08-30 20:12:51
Seminar by Mark Bray - Inside UNESCO's Education Sector
Comparative Education Research Ctr
Uploaded on 2010-04-12 15:52:24
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