Master of Buddhist Studies Admission 2024-25 | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2023-11-06 10:57:43 |
Public Lecture by Prof Roesler | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2023-03-07 15:35:24 |
Public Lecture The "Sixteen Spheres" Meditation Practice of the Kadampa School of Tibetan Buddhism Invited speaker: Prof. Ulrike Roesler Professor of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies, University of Oxford Time: 7-9 pm (HKT) | 31 Mar 2023 (Fri) Venue: CPD3.04, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Tower Centennia... |
Public Lecture | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2023-03-01 16:33:13 |
[Speaker: Prof. Imre Galambos, University of Cambridge] The Changing Face of Filial Piety: The Śyāma Jātaka in Dunhuang and beyond |
[Online lecture] Note, Know, Choose: A Modern Counseling Approach based on Early Buddhist Teachings by Dr. Kin Cheung (George) Lee | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2023-02-07 11:50:34 |
Time: 10 am - 12 noon (HKT) | 26 Feb 2023 (Sun) Join online via Zoom/YouTube |
Buddhist Chaplaincy | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2023-01-31 16:53:03 |
HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies 20th Anniversary Series - Lecture & Workshop on Buddhist Chaplaincy by Dr. Amelia Hall (DPhil in Tibetan and Himalayan Studies, Oxford) Program Chair, Department of Wisdom Traditions, Naropa University |
A taste of Zen meditation retreat - HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies 20th Anniversary Series | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2023-01-31 16:35:58 |
Language: Cantonese Location: Kadoorie Centre of The University of Hong Kong Event Date: April 6-10, 2023 Deadline for application: Feb 7, 2023 |
Buddhism and the Senses | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2023-01-30 12:49:36 |
The 10th MaMa Charitable Foundation Lecture Series in Buddhist Studies - HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies 20th Anniversary Series |
Master of Buddhist Studies Admission 2023-24 | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2022-12-20 14:58:18 |
In Search of Sustainable Happiness. Admission is now opened. |
"Buddhism and the Senses" - The 10th MaMa Charitable Foundation Lecture Series in Buddhist Studies - HKU CBS 20th Anniversary Series | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2022-12-13 18:22:55 |
From Feb 4 2023 to Mar 18 2023, join us every Saturday on zoom [9439 5778 708] or via our YouTube channel [HKUCBS] ! |
HKU Master of Buddhist Counselling 2023-24 Motivated By Compassion | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2022-11-22 15:15:02 |
Information Session Date: January 15, 2023 (Sun) Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm The session will be conducted via Zoom. Closing Date of Application: February 28, 2023 (12 noon HKT) |
HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies 20th Anniversary Series | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2022-09-23 14:47:51 |
GS Charity Foundation Lecture Series - “Guanyin Belief and Culture” by Professor Li Lian |
[ Oct 11, 18 & 25] Tung Lin Kok Yuen Lecture Series: Technology and change in the 21st-century Sino-Tibetan Buddhist sphere | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2022-09-23 14:42:13 |
[ Oct 11, 18 & 25] Tung Lin Kok Yuen Lecture Series: Technology and change in the 21st-century Sino-Tibetan Buddhist sphere Speaker: Dr. Catherine E. HARDIE |
Motivated by Compassion | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2021-01-05 12:09:13 |
Master of Buddhist Counselling 2021-22 Apply Now! 1st round deadline: 15 January, 2021 (12 noon HKT) 2nd round deadline: 26 February, 2021 (12 noon HKT) |
Master of Buddhist Studies Admission 2021-22 | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2020-12-15 14:10:19 |
In Search of Sustainable Happiness |
Dec 7&14-Online Buddhist Lectures by Ven. Dr. Ding Yuan | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2020-11-18 16:02:01 |
Date: Dec 7&14 Time: 6:30-8:30pm Online @ZOOM |
Nov 20,27&30; Dec 3&11 - Online Lecture Series - New Frontiers in Buddhist Studies | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2020-11-04 15:30:34 |
Date: Nov 20, 27 & 30; Dec 3 &11 Time: 6:30-8pm Online |
[Nov 12] Lecture by Dr. Yunfei Bai - Lost in Translation? The French and American Afterlives of Padmasambhava's Hagiography | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2020-11-04 15:23:41 |
Venue: CPD LG. 18 Date: 12 Nov (Thu) Time: 6:30-8pm |
Master of Buddhist Studies In Search of Sustainable Happiness | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2019-12-18 11:51:22 |
Explore what life is, who you are, and how to be happy. Apply by March 17! |
HKU Master of Buddhist Counselling 2020-21 Motivated By Compassion | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2019-12-16 17:00:05 |
Information Session Date: January 18, 2020 Time: 14:30 am - 16:30 pm Venue: Room 4.36, 4/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU Closing Date of Application Round 1: January 15, 2020 (12 noon HKT) Round 2: February 28, 2020 (12 noon HKT) |
International Conference - Buddhist Values and Economics: Investing in a Sustainable Future | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2019-03-05 16:07:22 |
Conference Website |
Master of Buddhist Studies 2019-20 | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2018-12-07 10:04:38 |
In Search of Sustainable Happiness |
Master of Buddhist Counselling | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2018-12-04 11:05:17 |
Application for admission for 2019-20 is now open! Admission Talk Date: January 13, 2019 Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Registration link: To learn more about the MBC programme, please register for our Admission Talk or visit our website... |
MaMa Charitable Foundation Symposium: Buddhist Counselling - Instigating Insight into the Healing Process | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2018-11-07 18:32:28 |
For symposium schedule, lecture abstracts and speakers' biography, please click See More Details below. Date: 8 & 9 December 2018 (Sat & Sun) Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, The University of Hong Kong Conducted in English|All are Welcome |Free admission |
Buddhist Counselling Lectures | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2018-10-30 16:43:26 |
Conducted in English|All are Welcome |Free admission. Please visit our official website for full details. |
Talk by Ven. Chang Lin and Mr. Lowell Lo (Conducted in Cantonese) [不羈之後的海闊天空 - 嘉賓講者:常霖法師、盧冠廷先生] | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2018-08-30 09:56:59 |
For undergrads ONLY. Online registration - |
Exploring the Mysteries and Wonders of the Silk Road through CCCH9044 Dunhuang and the Silk Road: Art, Culture and Trade | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2018-08-15 11:19:33 |
Insteresting stories - For details of the course - |
Get Inspired! Minor in Buddhist Studies | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2018-07-09 13:01:32 |
Through the minor programme, you will learn about the history and doctrines of Buddhism and discover how ancient Buddhist wisdom can be valuable to your daily life. |
Master of Buddhist Counselling 2018-19 | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2018-04-23 15:28:05 |
Motivated By Compassion. Apply by May 15, 2018! |
(Buddhism Talk conducted in Cantonese) 王祖藍 x 果毅法師對談「廷驊法雨」講座系列 「人生的考卷 - 心寄何處」 | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2018-02-22 16:02:13 |
For details, please refer to |
A Taste of Zen Meditation Retreat 2018 禪悅法樂靜修營 (Conducted in Cantonese) | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2018-02-05 15:25:54 |
Conducted in Cantonese Details and registration - |
Master of Buddhist Studies 2018-19 | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2018-01-02 16:58:44 |
In of Sustainable Happiness. Apply by February 5! |
MaMa Charitable Foundation Visiting Professor in Buddhist Studies Lecture Series by Professor Venerable K.L. Dhammajoti | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2017-11-22 12:16:56 |
For details and online registration, please visit |
香港大學佛學研究中心十五周年紀念講座 A Lotus in an Ivory Tower | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2017-11-22 12:13:27 |
For details 詳情: (Conducted in Cantonese 廣東話講授) |
Certificate Course in Buddhist Textual Studies (2018-2021) - Opens for Application Now | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2017-07-26 18:39:28 |
Certificate Course in Buddhist Textual Studies (Conducted in Cantonese) - Opens for Application Course website - 漢文佛典證書課程 (2018-2021) - 現正招生 |
Master of Buddhist Studies 2016-17 --- In Search of Sustainable Happiness | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2016-01-14 12:54:04 |
Opens for Application Closing date: March 15, 2016 |
5-Day Meditation Retreat & Lecture Series by Professor B. Alan Wallace | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2015-12-04 15:18:15 |
For details, please visit |
Public Lecture by Professor Stanislas Dehaene - Understanding consciousness and its disorders | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2015-12-04 15:12:47 |
All are welcome / No registration is required Details: |
Tung Lin Kok Yuen Buddhist Art Lecture Series 2015 - New Vision in the Research of Silk Road Buddhist Art | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2015-06-01 12:32:28 |
For details and online registration Enquiry - 3917 5078 / |
Buddhist Art in China - Transmission and Transformation | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2015-03-11 12:49:22 |
MaMa Charitable Foundation Visiting Professor in Buddhist Studies Lecture Series. For details and registration, please visit |
Public Lectures by Professor Karma Lekshe Tsomo | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2015-03-11 12:41:51 |
Lecture 1- Intersections of Awakening: Women and Buddhist Transnationalism & Lecture 2 - Buddhism, Business Ethics, and the Global Economy. 21-22 March, 2015, 3-5 pm @Lecture Theatre T1, Meng Wah Complex, The University of Hong Kong. Details and registration: www.buddhism.hku... |
禪悅法樂靜修營2015 (A Taste of Zen Meditation Retreat) [粵語講授/ Conducted in Cantonese] | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2015-02-12 16:27:50 |
禪修導師: 釋衍空法師 香港大學佛學研究中心總監;2015年4月3-7日 (五日四夜);地點:顯達鄉村俱樂部 (新界荃灣老圍顯達路十號);費用:二人同房(設單人床兩張) 每人HK$4,200- (每間房間均設有獨立浴室及洗手間) (請注意: 單人房... |
Master of Buddhist Studies 2015-16 --- In Search of Sustainable Happiness | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2015-01-21 13:10:51 |
Programme Admission Opens for Application Now Closing Date: March 17, 2015 Details: Enquiry: 3917-2847 / |
Buddhist Lecture by Dr. Barry Kerzin | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2014-01-29 09:28:48 |
On Kindness: 7pm on 17 Feb; On Meditation: 7pm on 24 Feb |
Master of Buddhist Studies 2014/15 – Open for Application | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2014-01-17 09:23:58 |
Tung Lin Kok Yuen Buddhist Lecture Series 2012 (Lecture 4 on Dec 7, 2012) | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2012-11-14 16:47:07 |
Tung Lin Kok Yuen Buddhist Lecture Series 2012 (Lecture 3 on Nov 23, 2012) | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2012-11-14 16:43:36 |
Tung Lin Kok Yuen Buddhist Lecture Series 2012 (Lecture 2 on Nov 17, 2012) | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2012-11-14 15:58:37 |
Buddhist Lecture by Venerable Phakchok Rinpoche - Three Gateways to Liberation by Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2012-06-13 16:08:21 |
Buddhist Lectures by Professor (Emeritus) Lewis R. Lancaster (University of California, Berkeley) | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2011-10-06 12:12:28 |
Public Talk: "Science and Contemplative Practice -- Emerging Outcomes of Meditation Research" | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2011-09-22 17:03:39 |
Inter-faith Dialogue: "Religion and violence: seeing it as it is" (ALL ARE WELCOME) | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2011-09-06 17:34:24 |
TLKY Buddhist Academic Lecture Series | |
Centre of Buddhist Studies Uploaded on 2010-02-23 18:29:24 |
Buddhist Ethics |