CCHU9003 // Making History: Engaging with the Powerful Past
The past is no longer present, but its influence can be felt everywhere. We connect with the past in many ways in our everyday lives. But what relevance or value does the past have in a globalizing world? Why should we care about the past? Could it help us to build a better future? Is there such a thing as a "true" historical account? What is the relationship between commercial, political and professional discourses of the past? And how do these relate to our own memories of the past? This course engages with these questions from multiple perspectives. It brings students face to face with the myriad ways in which the past is present in our lives today, and the importance of thinking historically. The course introduces students to the richness and value inherent in reading, writing and reflecting on the past; or in other words, making history.
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Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative
30th August, 2016
#FACE #GlobalizingWorld #ITS #TELI
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