Suggested Videos
ann 2nd December, 2014 09:51
Communications and Public Affairs Office, HKU 24th November, 2014 17:44
Gowns of all doctoral programmes (full dress) of the University are not black.
Please refer to the information provided on the following website regarding colour of gowns for all doctoral programmes (full dress): htttp://
The videos and the information provided on the "Suggested Attire" page of the Congregation website ( are merely for providing suggestions. There is no rule or regulation on what Graduands should wear and what colour of their outfits should be in order to put on the relevant academic dresses.
The black suit and white shirt are by no means for matching the colour of the gowns but just to demonstrate choices of decent attire.Graduands should use the best of their judgment for what to wear so as to look their best and smartest for attending the Congregation.
If anyone still has doubt, he or she can follow the suggestions given.
Bo 21st November, 2014 21:16
But our PhD gown is not black, so what are the acceptable colours for our dress code?
William 2nd November, 2014 21:08
They may not get their previous degrees in HKU or Hong Kong. Who can be sure that all the academic dresses for PhDs, Masters and Bachelors are the same all over the world?
Daemonini 30th October, 2014 15:58
A PhD candidate still needs a video to show how to wear the academic dress? He or she should go back to school to study for a first degree.
Communications and Public Affairs Office, HKU 30th October, 2014 15:35
Those who would be graduating from a PhD or other doctoral degrees, theoretically speaking, would have obtained a first degree and a master's degree and therefore should have known how to wear a doctoral degree academic dress.
Oasis 28th October, 2014 14:10
A video for PhD academic dress?
Phoebezh 27th October, 2014 16:08
What about PhDs....
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