JC-WISE Water 360° Public Seminar - Water for Food: A dialogue with local farmers「賽馬會惜水・識河計劃」水資源全面睇座談會:港農講水
In the public seminar “Water for Food: A dialogue with local farmers”, we will explore the changes in local agriculture in Hong Kong and the role of local natural water resources. The two speakers will also share the impact of local and imported crops on water resources and the environment.
水是萬物之源,擁有多重價值及功能。水除了提供日常飲用,以及維持生態系統之外,究竟還有那些被香港人逐漸遺忘的功能呢? 今次座談會由兩位嘉賓為大家講述香港本地農業的變遷,以及本地天然水資源所扮演的角色。嘉賓亦會分享本地農作物和進口農作物,對水資源及環境的影響。
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