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斜槓的理由,「愛/愛情」?To Slash or not to Slash? Love / Be loved.

斜槓的理由,「愛/愛情」?To Slash or not to Slash? Love / Be loved.

繼上學年的「愛之營火蟲-3天2夜找愛與愛情的亮點」後,林奕華繼續邀請大家參與以愛/愛情作引子的討論: 問題,是哲學的開始,哲學,是「愛」上了智⋯⋯還是跟「愛智」發生了「愛情」? What's love / be loved? The beginning of Philosophy is a question.

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 Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students

 8th November, 2019

#CEDARS #slash


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