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喜伴共融同樂日 JC A-Connect Family Fun Day 2019

喜伴共融同樂日 JC A-Connect Family Fun Day 2019

同樂日旨在提昇公眾對自閉特色人士的了解和推動社區共融。透過不同的遊戲活動,參加者能夠與自閉特色人士共同創作,享受一個愉快的親子同樂日。 The event aims to promote better understanding of ASD and social inclusion in the community. Participants can co-create artwork with people with ASD and enjoy the day through various activities.

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 Social Sciences Faculty

 27th March, 2019

#Family #JCAConnect #SocialSciences #autism #inclusion


Suggested Posters

China's Family Planning PolicyHKU Walking Challenge喜伴共融同樂日 JC A-Connect Family Fun Day 2019[Call for Poster Abstracts] JC A-Connect - Hong Kong ASD Conference 2017[Call for Registration] JC A-Connect - Hong Kong ASD Conference 2017Hong Kong ASD Conference 2016Public Lecture on Understanding Political Trust in ChinaSKL of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Public Lecture SeriesOne-Day ProgrammeEqual Opportunity Festival 2022

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