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一國兩制的過去:未完的法律討論 The Past of OCTS: an unfinished legal discussion

一國兩制的過去:未完的法律討論 The Past of OCTS: an unfinished legal discussion

我們將於這節與嘉賓回顧《基本法》起草過程所涉及的討論、評析《基本法》的實踐,以及兩套法制之間的關係。 In this session, we will look back on the discussions that arose from the Basic Law drafting process and we shall analyse the implementation of the Basic Law and the relationship between the two legal systems.

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 Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students

 1st February, 2019

#BasicLaw #CEDARS #hkucedarsge


Suggested Posters

Basic Law Distinguished Lecture 2017: Basic Law - its progress in the last 20 years and its future Law Sun Service Learning FundYang Tuck Ming & Wong Fund Ying Service Learning FundCEDARS CoPE presents: Peer Support & Empowerment 23 - 24 When the Way does not prevail: My philosophical reflections on the current situation of Hong KongNon-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the Second Semester, 2019 - 2020LCSD World Cultures Festival 2019 -

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