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Stephen Hui Geological Museum - Special Exhibition

Stephen Hui Geological Museum - Special Exhibition

Special Weekend Openings from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on: May 19/20, June 9/10, July 7/8, August 11/12, September 8/9, October 6/7 and November 3/4, 2018. Free guided tours during the special weekend openings will be arranged at 2p.m.

 Dept of Earth Sciences

 14th June, 2018

#BiodiversityConservation #EarthSciences #Exhibition #Fossils #StephenHuiGeologicalMuseum


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The Magic of Oysters and How They Help HumansHKU Department of Architecture : Earth Sciences Seminar: KE Lunch: Research Matters: Raising Profile, Enhancing Citation Scores, and Sparking Interest with the Media and General PublicClean up our Ocean! CCST9023Embracing LandscapesPablo PicassoChinese Oil Paintings 二十世紀中國油畫GE Enrolment: GerminationStephen Hui Geological Museum

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