Forensic Science is Global, Not Local
The interdisciplinary training and education of attorneys and scientists is essential to ensure reliable and just outcomes in all cases- criminal and civil. Increasingly, many cases are determined by forensic evidence, yet only a small percentage of attorneys receive training in scientific evidence. Many forensic scientists do not receive substantive training in the law and courtroom skills. There is a continuing need for greater communication and collaborative research between the legal and scientific disciplines. Efforts must be made to share knowledge and deliver accurate information quickly and efficiently to both communities. Since the publication of the NAS Report in 2009, there have been many recommendations for increased training and sharing of research between lawyers and scientists. A collaborative, interdisciplinary model has been sought. This presentation will review interdisciplinary programs and resources in forensic science and law, many of which are free, that have been developed worldwide by universities, professional associations, government agencies and national and international commissions. The National Clearinghouse for Science, Technology and the Lawâs program of webinars and seminars will be highlighted.
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