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Design As a Development Tool

Design As a Development Tool

"Design can be used as an active tool to fight poverty and generate income and resilience in countries of the Global South through new types of creative economies." - Gerardo Patacconi Designers have a social responsibility. For too long, design was something like fashion: only for the happy few and very superficial. Designers were a kind of stylist.

 Dept of Architecture

 23rd February, 2018

#Architecture #artisan #design #designer


Suggested Posters

‘Neighbours’ by Philip Ursprung‘Migrating Commons’ by Nahyun Hwang‘Non-Extractive Architecture’ by Sofia Pia BelenkyPublic Lectures Series Fall 22Modelling the Architectural Design Process: Diverging, Converging, and SuppressingCall for Papers: Buildings and Borders in Asia, 17th to 20th centuriesHKU Vsitor Centre X AfterWorkShop

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