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MSocSc (NPM) Admission

MSocSc (NPM) Admission

MSocSc (NPM) is offering in 2018. Action Now!

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 Dept of Soc Work & Social Administration

 12th October, 2017

#ImpactProjectFunding #NPM #NonProfit #SocialAdministration #philanthropy


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Briefing Session for Impact Project FundingKE Lunch Meeting: Briefing Session for the Impact Project Funding Scheme of the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Funding Exercise 2014/15Information Session of Master of Social Sciences in Nonprofit Management ProgrammeMSocSc (NPM) AdmissionMaster of Social Sciences in Nonprofit Management Admission Workshop on Serving in Internaional NGOs & Information Session of MSocSc (NPM) ProgrammeMSocSc (Counselling) ProgrammeMSocSc AdmissionAn Experienced-Oriented Approach to CBTPhilanthropy for Better Cities Forum Post-Conference Seminar: Is your Organisation Ready to Leverage the New Frontiers of Philanthropy?

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