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Dialogue with Filmmakers 2017 - Hong Kong Documentary Initiative

Dialogue with Filmmakers 2017 - Hong Kong Documentary Initiative

In-depth dialogues with documentary filmmakers from this year's Hong Kong International Film Festival(HKIFF) will be held from 11 to 24 April 2017. Selected films from the directors will also be screened (see below). All events are free and open to the public. Conducted in English (with Cantonese simultaneous interpretation) or Mandarin (with English simultaneous interpretation). Time/Location: 7:30pm at the Yuet Ming Auditorium

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 Journalism & Media Studies Ctr

 31st March, 2017

#RubyYang #SocialSciences #documentary #filmmaking


Suggested Posters

My Film Journey - a dialogue with Oscar nominated filmmaker Shuibo Wang 我的電影歷程 - 與奧斯卡提名導演王水泊對話Academy Award-winning Director Ruby Yang to screen film and meet with an audience at HKUPublic Lecture on Understanding Political Trust in ChinaSKL of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Public Lecture SeriesOne-Day ProgrammeThe Competition: a documentary by Angel Borrego CuberoLivestreaming: Dialogue with Werner HerzogThe Chocolate Case: Documentary ScreeningHKU Architecture (AUHI) Spring 2021 Discussion Series:

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